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Psychic Predictions > Vine's 2019 Psychic Prediction Message

"Forces of light on Earth shall overcome the force of darkness. Complete spiritual enlightenment on Earth will occur." - Edgar Cayce

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Vine Psychic Spiritual Channeling
1st January 2019

2019 Psychic Prediction Message

Vine's Higher Guardian Channeling for 2019

Namaste to those of pure consciousness and being,

We come to you on the twilight of all knowing to offer hope to those who have lost their way and feel all is abandoned.

Be of good fortune and use your will to assist your fellow beings.

Raising awareness and revealing truth has been our mirrors work.

Before you can spiritually see, the truth of the dark must be known.

Our mirror is a highly sensitive attuned cosmic transference vibrational frequency. Her incarnation was to show the way.

Now we come to you to reveal vibrational energy and to transcribe the lost knowledge.

There are some on your planet who have used this fruit and hid our words for 'self' accomplishments, gathering in secret to benefit the hidden world.

We have rushed this knowledge to show the 'dark lords' who selfishly professed all knowing.

The laws we blessed are being 'que ville' by the dark lords.

The knights who rushed to their aid were altered to do their bidding. In rushed motion we revealed their actions. The divine knowing was the eye to lifting the cloaks.

The illusion of time is no more. Consciousness perfection will be known to all who frequent the Earth.

There is much to be done and the dark lords have caused great chaos to your world. They drain the dark blood knowing the harm it creates.

Evolution in pure essence is your life institution.

We bid you well as you evolve to the knowing of all vibration essence. May you stand in resolve as the essence of all knowing disturbs the deceivers caves.

Our mirror has stood in good stead as we altered consciousness to speed the knowing.

Look to the barren planets that hold no visible life, and protect the Garden of Eden as we bestowed to all vibrational beings.

The veil has been removed.

Shamonia. It is done.

• • • • • • • • • •

Hope for 2019 as the Angelic Realms Reveal Universal Divine Cosmic Truth

Australian Spiritual Seer Vine's Translation of Channeling

the elements of fire water earth and air The 2019 spiritual channeling from my higher guardians is uplifting news about hope and the angelic realms helping humanity with new Universal knowledge.

Some words required me to seek out the meaning and origin. The greeting offered by the higher guardians began with the word Namaste. Many of you may have heard this spiritual greeting used in yoga. It is a Universal Hindu prayer from the origin of 'cosmic oneness'. Two hands, joined together near the heart chakra as you bow down to greet and honour another spiritual being.

Before I am given the spiritual message I enter a state of prayer and heighten my auric field. This is why my angelic guardian greeted all the world people in prayer. The higher realms are greeting you and anointing the people of pure consciousness and being. Have you been praying or hoping for the demise of the deceivers, and for our world to become more harmonious in 2019?

The 2019 year offers us a chance to breathe again - new beginnings. This spiritual channeling is related to all religions and faith.

I'm going to breakdown the spiritual channeling with no holding back. The channeling will definitely make more sense when you read some of the historical prophecy to find out why my angelic guardians have used terms to describe the deceptive beings on our planet. Who are the deceiver elite? Where did they come from? What have they been doing?

Historical prophecy answers a lot of the questions people all over the world have been pondering on. Edgar Cayce touched on the spiritual war between the light and the darkness.

However, to understand the darkness in a way that hopefully doesn't cause religious sensitivity, you could refer to the Harry Potter stories and use Voldemort and those who surrounded him, to help you understand the higher realms channeling about the darkness both here on Earth and in Spirit.

"We come to you on the twilight of all knowing."

This is the term Spirit refers to as the bridge between physical reality and Universal heightened knowing. From the Bible we know, “The separation of light and darkness (in our physical reality) was the first day”. Much has been revealed, and Universal heightened knowing of the light & dark is at hand.

Comfort for the Weary

The higher realms offer comfort for the weary on our Earth who have been drained by the world the deceivers have created.

The channeling refers to offering hope to those who have lost their way. The higher realms are forgiving the people who have lost their way because they know the world you have been born into, conditioned you to accept that this life was full of pain and suffering.

There is the normal life of ups and downs, but they are honing in on the daily grind of conditioning that makes you a slave to the economic system, and the lack of hope you have been feeling that is a consequence of this conditioning.

The higher realms are also sharing that you have not been abandoned when you send thoughts out into the Universe about feeling powerless to the world you were born into.

They are encouraging all spiritual beings to be of good cheer (keep hope) and don't give up on other spiritual beings from different cultures and religions who are also lost to the world they have been born into. They ask you to have a charitable mind.

"Before you can spiritually see, the truth of the dark must be known."

Before you can spiritually see (true seeing), the higher realms had to show the deception of the darkness in our world. Channelings from my Higher Guardians in previous years have been about revealing the darkness, and showing (knowing) what was really going on in our world.

"Our mirror is a highly sensitive attuned cosmic transference vibrational frequency. Her incarnation was to show the way."

This reveals how I use my spiritual aura as a Seer to tune into Universal Akashic channeling. I have shared in my biography how I have always been able to lift out of the physical body. Spirit refers to the physical body as a vessel of learning. They describe how I was born into this world knowing my spiritual role from an early age. They refer to my part in helping relay their guidance as the mirror.

"We come to reveal vibrational energy and to transcribe the lost knowledge"

Vibrational energy is another way of describing different energy frequencies of consciousness and understanding how all consciousness resonates with its own frequency.

It is predicted in 2019 the higher realms are about to reveal God consciousness.

Firstly, the people of our world have had to evolve to understand what this means. We can witness science and technology speeding up exponentially in recent years, but there has been dark spiritual interference to use this knowledge for the wrong purpose.

File that under, 'Atlantis Revisited'. If you believe in the mythical story of Atlantis, it tells you there was a fight between the light and the darkness using scientific knowledge that created an imbalance... which ended it all. (More on the lessons we can learn from Atlantis, at a later date.)

"There are some on your planet who have used this fruit and hid our words for 'self' accomplishments, gathering in secret to benefit the hidden world."

Some are greedily using the spiritual knowledge and are hiding it from the people. They gather in secret groups and meetings to hide deceptive influence and benefit their hidden world.

Sorry to share this is the dark world. It is described in every religion and it is full of discordant and evil entities. It's where the worst of the worst in our world come from.

The angelic realms are revealing the tree of knowledge was blessed to all beings (not the select few) who use the knowledge to keep you in the dark.

"We have rushed this knowledge to show the Dark Lords who selfishly professed all knowing"

The higher realms are explaining that there are Dark Lords amongst us who are causing our world to be in disharmony.

We have to find out, who are the Dark Lords? Where are they from? What are they doing? The higher realms have referred to them in the past as the cloak holders, the elite deceivers, or the puppet masters etc.

It is predicted that the dark lords are a type of new aristocracy of our world, in which power is held by deceiver elites. The ones who have set up the secret societies that only a select few can enter. They are the ones who hand pick the politicians coming from our Universities and know who will feel a sense of obligation to them when they are in their powerful careers. They knight the chosen few, who fall into line with their economic structures.

I have carefully guarded earlier prophecy because it was important to identify why the higher realms were guiding me to find the knights.

Looking at the historical aristocracy, wealthy elite in Russia, Europe, Britain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, United States, Australia, we see they have family shields where they show knights.

"The knights who rushed to their aid were altered to do their bidding."

Now we refer to what the higher realms guide about the knights who rushed to the aid of the Dark Lords and were altered to do their bidding. The altering refers to hypnotising, brain washing, the making of Manchurian candidates etc. as well as conditioning unsuspecting beings to do their bidding. It is predicted that the knight’s cross we are seeing all over social media are directly related to the word spirit refers to as "que villed".

During my spiritual channeling I requested clarity about the word I was receiving. It was a word I didn't believe existed, but I have found there are similar words in the dictionary. I am predicting the spiritual quote "the laws we blessed are being quevilled by the dark lords" is directly related to the secret society plans of attack on democracy all over the world.

Are the higher realms guiding that the dark lords and the deceiver elite are directly responsible for the woes of our world? Absolutely.

In my 2013 prophecy, Controllers of the Internet and Economies, the higher realms guided years ago, what we are now witnessing - how social media and business partnerships are directly related to the deceiver elite.

Mark Zuckerberg knowingly entered into million dollar partnerships with ties with the Mercer family and Peter Thiel, and we now know Cambridge Analytica is not the only company that had direct access to data on Facebook.

Why did the deceivers want to collect all of the personal data of every spiritual being? What would be the benefit to them of knowing your private information - your blood type, your DNA gene heritage, your banking details and your every move on electronic devices?

Silicon Valley didn't just create a digital revolution, it also helped the deceiver elite to use secret knowledge for the wrong purpose and to use micro-targeting of big data to herd spiritual beings.

This reveals how accurate my higher guardians’ prophecy really is. By following the prophecy, we were among the first to join the dots and explain the connection between Trump Russia, Brexit, Cambridge Analytica and Robert Mercer etc. and I was spiritually guided who set it up. The deceiver elite were not expecting that the higher realms had channeled what they were doing.

My spiritual guardians are guiding they used rushed motion (time) to reveal what the Dark Lords and deceiver elite are up to.

We need to stop the deceiver elite in their tracks. They still haven’t got all democracies to introduce electronic voting, and the cashless society my higher guardians warned about, is not quite yet a reality.

India has gone cashless and without doubt the Dark Lords want the whole world cashless and voting electronically. But this hasn't happened yet, which means we still have time to stop them rolling it out.

"In rushed motion we revealed their actions. The divine knowing was the eye to lifting the cloaks."

The higher angelic realms had to reveal to the world people that the illusion of time as we know it isn't real. The prophecy they earlier guided was coming true and this helped non believers become believers. But it goes further than that. The higher realms are sharing Consciousness perfection will be known to all people who frequent the Earth.

This means they intend to evolve the human race, once we sort out the deceiver mess currently occurring on Earth.

"There is much to be done and the dark lords have caused great chaos to your world. They drain the dark blood knowing the harm it creates."

This is climate change and the fossil fuel deceiver elite deliberately allowed climate change to escalate.

The dark blood is fossil fuel. The higher realms are guiding the Dark Lords know this will cause the Earth people to suffer and die and they know extreme weather will cause crops to be destroyed and diseases and plagues.

They know what the Bible revealed about end days and Armageddon and they don't care.

Once you come to the realisation that there is darkness on our Earth that is allowing it to be destroyed and they don't care, you begin to see why they're in no rush to stop what they are doing.

They think they can survive the Armageddon they are creating. They think their money will save them. They don’t care about anyone else.

They think they can create an oasis on Earth to survive what is coming and they think they have time to build moon stations and space travel to other planets. They've got billions and billions of dollars at their disposal to invest in anything their hearts desire.

It is you, your family, your children that will be left to defend yourself against natures wrath. Nature is reacting to them draining the dark blood, even though they know the harm it creates.

"Evolution in pure essence is your life institution"

If you take anything away from this spiritual prophecy, it's what the higher realms are sharing about why you chose to incarnate onto Earth.

You are entitled to evolve, without any spiritual interference from the deceiver elite and those they answer to.

You are entitled to walk the forests and swim in the oceans and breathe fresh air.

The elite created the economic structures, they chose to strip away the education rights and hold you to loans that make you reliant upon the system. They make you pay exorbitant costs of living and compete for shelter. They even create the wars you have to fight. If they want the water, the fossil fuel, the gold of another country, they'll send people to war without hesitation.

The systems that the Dark Lords and deceiver elite have set up on our world are not what the higher realms want for you.

"We bid you well as you evolve to the knowing of all vibration essence. May you stand in resolve as the essence of all knowing disturbs the deceivers caves."

Spirit is sending their exaltations and sharing that they are with you in the fight between the light and the dark.

It is predicted in 2019 we'll begin to see how deep the rabbit hole goes into the deceivers underworlds.

The deceivers, the new aristocracy, the oligarchs, the Church leaders who have ignored spiritual teachings to serve the dark etc., will be dealing with the higher realms.

This has already been covered in the 2018 psychic predictions. Whatever legal investigations are already active will be getting a shaking and revival by the higher realms in 2019.

It will be a year of hope as the angelic realms disturb their dark caves. You are guided to stand in resolve. Don’t budge as they pull out one dirty tactic after another.

"Our mirror has stood in good stead as we altered consciousness to speed the knowing"

I believe this is a compliment about following my spiritual vocation and showing the strength to stand up to the darkness and having to be at the ready.

My health took a battering because of time differences and having to give up a lot of sleep to do remote visions about secret political meetings all over the globe.

I was guided the channeling were extremely important. I was required to lift out of my body and hover above secret meetings to watch the behaviour first hand. You can read about it in the 2018 mid year psychic prediction.

Look to the barren planets that hold no visible life and protect the Garden of Eden as we bestowed to all vibrational beings"

There you have it world people. The higher realms are guiding our beautiful blue gem, Gaia, is the Garden of Eden.

They are sharing Earth is paradise and the dark lords are aware Earth is the Garden of Eden and attempting to destroy our planet.

The reason my spiritual guardians are referring to barren planets in our Cosmos is because our environment and its flora and fauna is under attack.

The higher realms are sharing 'all consciousness' including wildlife, water, insects is important. One spiritual consciousness doesn't overrule the other.

Ignoring this knowing is causing ecosystems to die. The corals in our oceans to die.

"The veil has been removed, Shamonia. It is done."

The higher realms are revealing they have lifted the veil about consciousness.

Shamonia is the other word that completely took me by surprise. I had to clarify the word was correct. The word exists. In urban slang it might just mean to "come on", but Shamonia is also a girls name meaning spiritually strong and a creator of new beginnings.

"It is done"

Love and Light

• • • • • • • • • •

Read This Prediction

2019 Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 23rd December 2019

Bushfires - Australia is Burning

You are entitled to walk the forests, swim in the oceans and breathe fresh air Sydney Bushfire moke
Sydney Opera House in thick smoke from Australian bushfires - Photo: The Guardian

In this psychic prediction for 2019, Vine's Spiritual Guardians remind us that in this incarnation we are entitled to the pure essence of the forests, oceans and air. "Evolution in pure essence is your life institution".

The fossil-fuel billionaire deceiver elites are stripping those entitlements away one by one and there is no doubt now that we are seeing the results. The effects of inequality & climate change are no longer theoretical. We can see them everyday. Australia is burning in more ways than one.

climate change devastation
We are beginning to 'see' what climate change means - Devastation, destruction & poisoning of our forests, oceans & fresh air.

Devastating Fires on a Scale & Intensity Never Seen Before

In 2019, we can now identify the elite deceivers who are continuing to make everything worse. In Australia, both the Labor opposition and the LNP Government have policies to sell Australian coal & gas to be burnt overseas. This will make climate change and therefore extreme weather and fires worse. Scientists tell us that if we are to survive climate change, this coal and gas cannot be burnt.

Unprecedented catastrophic fires made worse by climate change are now burning all over Australia.

The Australian LNP government has also failed to adequately prepare for the extreme conditions caused by climate change. The Australian government has been embroiled in controversy over their mismanagement of Australia's water crisis, and just before Australia's catastrophic fires, the NSW LNP government made major cuts to the capital expenditure budgets of both Fire and Rescue NSW and the Rural Fire Service.

The Thick Bushfire Smoke has Forced us to See Where We're Heading

The problems we can now clearly see were predicted many years ago. Vine's Spiritual Guardians have made her aware of the dangers of climate change since she was a child and for years scientists have warned that climate change would increase the risk of extreme bushfires in Australia.

On the surface, all the warnings seemed to have made no difference. But beneath the surface, hope for a better world is building.

When we look at Australia burning today, we see our tomorrow (if nothing is done). We know what has caused the extra intensity of the fires. We know who is making it worse. And we know what to do about it. In the middle of the heat, fire and smoke lies the hope of 2019.

Vine predicted, "The 2019 year offers us a chance to breathe again - new beginnings.

In the midst of bushfire smoke choking our breath, lies the acceptance of our reality and the knowledge of how to breathe again. The fear surrounding the people of Australia when they see and experience the fires, and struggle to see and breathe in the smoke, is forcing us to finally wake-up and see where we are heading and know how to get there.

the elements of fire water earth and air will show the way in 2019
The elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air are showing us the way in 2019

• • • • • • • • • •

UPDATE: 29th November 2019

2019 - Climate Change Deceivers in Australia Revealed

Listed below are just a few of the climate change deceivers in Australia who, by not telling the truth about climate change, are in effect helping climate change to destroy our future. Some of them are motivated by their greed. Some are just willing puppets.

Many of the worst of them have a false sense of security that their $Billions will save them.

They think they have enough money to survive the catastrophe they are causing. They don't.

Some even think they can escape to the Moon or Mars. They can't of course.

They think that buying a doomsday climate refuge in New Zealand will protect them. It won't.
(Yes, buying a house in New Zealand is Silicon Valley code for getting 'apocalypse insurance' ).

The TRUTH is, if massive action is not taken very soon, there will be no safe place for anybody to hide on this planet, no matter how rich they are.

This prediction for 2019 is about hope through revealing of truth, particularly truth about climate change and the fossil fuel deceiver elite.

In 2019, the truth behind Australia’s true contribution to climate change is being revealed and therein lies the hope that we will finally do something.

World CO2 Emissions per capita
Australia's CO2 emissions per capita are the fifth highest in the world, on par with USA emissions
View Original Source: Figures collated from International Energy Agency (IEA) Emissions from Energy related CO2 only

Australia’s Appalling per capita CO2 Emissions Revealed

Australia’s CO2 emissions are 1.3% of the global total and rising. But our population is 0.3% of the global total. So, despite the best efforts of the fossil fuel deceivers to convince us otherwise, the truth is that Australia emits much more than its fair share of CO2 - even before we take into account the coal and gas that Australia exports overseas to be burnt.

Australia is one of the worst CO2 emitters in the world, per capita; behind only the oil producing middle eastern countries and on par with the US and Canada. Australia's CO2 emissions per capita, are twice as bad as China, which comes in at around 16th worst in the world.

The Dark History of Coal Lobbying in Australia

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported that coal is the single largest source of global temperature increase. Australia is the biggest coal exporter in the world and the third-largest exporter of CO2 fossil fuels.

As Vine predicted, the elite deceivers behind that dark history are now being revealed...

Coal Mining Influence over Australia's LNP Govt

The following 2019 investigation by Greenpeace & journalist Michael West, has uncovered the web of connections between the world’s biggest coal giants, industry groups, lobbyists and powerful media organisations. These people have been working to halt action on climate change and stall the transition to clean renewable energies.

The documentary explains how: "The coal industry has infiltrated Australia’s federal government through a secretive network of ties, working to influence Australia’s political decisions at the highest level: right up to the office of the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison."

Dirty Power Documentary on Big Coal
Dirty Power: Documentary on Big Coal’s network of influence over Australia's LNP Government

Who are the Elite pro-Coal Deceivers in Australia?

  • Gina Rinehart
    Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart is co-owner of major coal mining licences in Queensland's Galilee Basin. She stands to receive significant benefits if the area is opened up via approval of the Adani Carmichael mega coal mine currently being pushed through by the LNP and Queensland Labor governments. Rinehart is an LNP donor who funded Barnaby Joyce’s election campaigns.

  • Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)
    The IPA a conservative think tank with a long history of promoting climate-change denial and is attributed by many as poisoning the climate change debate in Australia and using "junk science" to support their denials of climate change. They are a part of the push to make sure there is still a climate change "debate", even though the science is a long way past debatable.

    Gina Rinehart has donated $Millions to the IPA.

  • Adani

    Adani, the controversial Indian mining and energy company, has a documented history of corruption and human rights abuses across the world. They are building the world's biggest new coal mine (the Adani Carmichael mine) in Queensland's Galilee Basin.

    The proposed Adani mine is notorious for the sheer amount of coal that would be burnt and the resulting catastrophic damage it will do to the world's climate. It will also contribute to the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, use vast quantities of precious groundwater and endanger at least one threatened species.

    The Adani mine is reported to be 'unviable' without $4.4billion in taxpayer subsidies and there will be no royalties for at least 10 years, providing the world is still buying coal in 10 years.

    Adani have been running a pro-coal climate change denying propaganda war to help make the Carmichael mine happen. The opposing #stopAdani campaign has become a litmus test in Australia. It is shorthand for stopping all new coal before it is too late and for asking the question, "are you really serious about climate change?"

  • LNP / Coal Lobby - Revolving Door

    Many politicians on both sides of parliament have come from the coal mining industry and/or returned to it after their time as an MP.

    Melissa Price - LNP
    When she was Environment Minister, Price effectively approved the Adani Carmichael by approving the Adani water management plan just days before the 2019 Federal election. This was despite scientists warning that the water plan is flawed and unreliable. Before becoming a Liberal MP, Price was vice-president at a mining company owned by Mitsubishi Development - co-owners of the Hay Point Coal Terminal and other Queensland coal mines.

    Ian Macfarlane - LNP
    Macfarlane was the LNP Industry minister responsible for scrapping Labor's Mining Tax. He left politics in 2015 and joined the Queensland Resources Council in 2016 (representing Mining and Energy). Greens senator Larissa Waters said Macfarlane's appointment was a "disgrace". She said, "Our politics have been hijacked by big polluters, and this is just the most recent example. Australians are sick to death of the revolving door between politics, big business and big polluters.""

    John Kunkel - LNP
    Kunkel is the former deputy CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) and a lobbyist for mining giant Rio Tinto. Less than a week after becoming Prime Minister, Scott Morrison appointed Kunkel as his chief of staff.

  • Labor / Mining Lobby - Revolving Door

    When MPs (from both sides of politics) move to the mining industry after retiring, the question must be asked: Who were they were representing during their time in parliament?

    Craig Emerson - ALP
    Ex-Labor MP Craig Emerson is a strong proponent for new coal and fracking Coal Seam Gas in Australia. After leaving parliament he established an economic consulting firm and his clients include AGL Energy and CSG mining company, Santos.

    Emerson's partner Tracey Winters, also works for Santos Ltd.

    Pushing the CSG Lie by Ignoring Methane

    A year after leaving parliament, Craig Emerson (and Greg Combet) wrote an article in the Australian Financial Review supporting the CSG industry in Australia. In it they argue: "Gas is a transition fuel to a low-carbon future"... and "emits half the carbon of coal when used to generate electricity".

    Unfortunately, this doesn't take into account the primary component of natural gas, which is methane (CH4), not carbon (CO2). Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. A spike in methane levels has been to tied to fracking and CSG production. Methane levels began rising faster in 2006, the same time that fracking of Coal Seam Gas began in the USA.

    Documentary Gas is Filthy

    After factoring in the amount of escaping methane, Coal Seam Gas is now recognised as having a worse effect than coal on the world's CO2 levels and therefore is definitely NOT "a transition fuel to a low-carbon future".

    Gas becomes worse for climate change than coal if just 2-3 percent of the natural gas we are mining leaks into the environment. Actual measurements of methane leakage from gasfields in the US show a 5-10% leakage rate is more likely.

    Even before taking the fracking destruction of valuable farmland into account, the leaking methane makes natural gas as bad or worse than coal.

    Martin Ferguson - ALP
    Six months after leaving politics, the former Labor resources minister Martin Ferguson became chairman of the advisory committee for the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (peak oil and gas industry association). He has argued that NSW must forge ahead with development of CSG" and has commercial interests as a non-executive director of mining company Seven Group Holdings, which has recently profited from the push for new Coal Seam Gas in Australia.

  • Wayne Swan - ALP
    The latest Labor politician to go through the revolving door from politics to the fossil fuel industry, is former deputy prime minister and Labor treasurer Wayne Swan.

    He has been appointed as a director of Stanwell Corporation, a Queensland government-owned corporation and the state's largest coal powered electricity generator. Directors are paid up to $44,000 for nine meetings a year.

    Stanwell owns coal-fired stations across the state, including Tarong power station, which has just required a $29.9 million overhaul to maintain the reliability, efficiency and safety.

    In the past, the LNP has also appointed former MPs to the boards of tax payer funded Queensland government-owned energy corporations.

    • • • • • • • • • •

  • Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) - Mining Lobby Association

    The MCA is run by some of the world’s biggest coal giants (Glencore, Peabody, Adani, etc).
    They spent $15.78 million on advertising opposing Labor's Minerals Resource Rent Tax and were behind the "coal is amazing" pro-coal advertisement campaign.

  • The Crosby Textor Group - Lobbyists
    Crosby Textor is one of the most powerful lobbyist companies in Australia.
    (Run by Sir Lynton Crosby, former director of the Liberal Party and former Liberal pollster Mark Textor). They have worked for conservative political parties in Australia & England, as well as lobbying for the tobacco and sugar industries. Crosby Textor orchestrated a secret $multi-milion campaign (Project Caesar) for mining company Glencore, to push anti-renewable messages, smear environmental activists and to prop up the waning demand for coal.

  • Yaron Finkelstein - LNP
    Former CEO of Crosby Textor - Recruited by PM Scott Morrison as his principle private secretary.

  • Andrew Hurst - LNP
    Former Crosby Textor director is now Liberal Party campaign director.

  • Senator James Mcgrath - LNP
    Former assistant minister to Malcolm Turnbull and former Crosby Textor political operative. McGrath threatened to call for the resignation of Melissa Price unless she approved the Adani Carmichael coal mine before the 2019 Federal election.

As Vine’s Higher Guardians have pointed out:
"Before you can spiritually see, the truth of the dark must be known.”

The truth is being revealed...

• • • • • • • • • •

UPDATE: 25th July 2019

The Dark Secrets Revealed

Do not be in two minds about this...
Vine's Spiritual Guardians have said that the climate change and fossil fuel deceiver elite are deliberately allowing climate change to escalate. "The Dark Lords know this will cause people to suffer and die and they know extreme weather will cause diseases and plagues and crops to be destroyed".

But over the last 10 years Vine’s Higher Guardians have been working to reveal the deceivers and day by day, those hiding in the shadows have been revealed and their dirty secrets exposed.

Fossil Fuel Company Secrets Revealed

It is no longer a secret that oil companies have long been aware that burning fossil fuels will cause climate change and have worked proactively to cover up that knowledge and discredit climate science.

The collusion with Russia behind the election of Donald Trump has been revealed.

The mind boggling number of lies and micro-targeted fake news stories used to manipulate voters in the Brexit referendum and the US and Australian elections have all been revealed.

Faux Populism

The US, Australian and UK governments, along with the Brexit leave campaign, all ran what have been called "populist" campaigns. It reality they are Faux Populism, where there is little to no chance of the masses gaining agency through political action. They are far more likely to lose by believing the lies and voting for the liars.

This Brexit/Trumpian/Morrison form of "Populism" has been apply described as:
"the art of agitating the disaffected voters to vote against their best interests, by amplifying problems and not really offering anything in return."

The same commentator describe voting for these "populist" parties as:
"like diving headfirst into an empty swimming pool, because you’re angry that there’s no water in it."

The Dawn of New Hope

The coming to power of the fossil fuel puppet governments of Trump in the US, Morrison in Australia, and now Boris Johnson in the UK, ushers in our darkest hours but also exposes the secrets in the shadows to the bright light of a new dawn of hope for life on Earth.

The revelations have continued into 2019, including the publication of the Mueller Report, which has proved to be very damning, despite the best efforts of the forces of darkness to pretend that it hasn't.

We aren't there yet but just as Vine has Predicted for 2019, there are now many lightworkers working hard to expose and bring to justice the enemies of life on our still blue Planet and give a clean run to those lightworkers working on ways to save us...

Where Will We Be in 2040?

Where will be in 2040?
In The Year of Hope Australian film maker Damon Gameau looks at what the future could look like in 2040 if we are allowed to embrace the best that exists today.

Like the many scientists and inventive lightworkers around him, Australian film maker Damon Gameau has put his finger on the pulse of hope, in his film "2040 - Join the Re-Generation" - an exploration of what the our future could look like if we embrace the best that exists today.

The film exemplifies Vine's prediction of Hope for 2019.

We have a way to go, and we are guided to "STAND IN RESOLVE".

Melbourne Earth Seer VINE, Australia
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