Vine Psychic Line

Psychic Predictions

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online as a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.

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Ecosystems and Zoos

Psychic Prediction by - 4th June 2012
Ecosystems and Zoos, VINE Psychic Prediction
Spirit has shown me a spiritual precognitive vision of how our amazing eco-systems are showing signs of strain and will slowly begin to decline over the years.

I am being shown a vision of all the world zoos coming together to work with the sciences to create mini eco-system hubs - in particular the eco-systems I'm being shown are related to the insect and reptilian families.

I have previously shared how my spiritual guardians allow me to provide useful psychic predictions about our Earth Changes. This prediction saddens me because I know as custodians of this planet we are failing to heed the guidance about our environment and nature. If the science community can't adequately describe how our magnetic field is connected to the bio-organisms, the land, the oceans and marine life, the trees and the earth elements - how then can world leaders be expected to understand that the damage they are doing to our planet is irreversible.

Our planet is a living breathing energy and we are failing to spiritually see that as a human race we are energetically interconnected to all of the insect world, flora and fauna on our planet. Now we have to witness our eco-systems dying because of the lack of foresight by governments and the corporate industries, who presently consider that our resources are only there for the human populations use.

Soon we will begin to have more environmental scientific evidence on how the eco-systems are declining where there is mining, removal of world forests and the overuse of our planet's resources.

Our planet isn't healthy anymore and climate change or 'the changes' as Spirit describes them, are more deeply upon us then we ever could have imagined. Imagine we are in a similar situation as the mythical Altantis. The mystery schools reveal how Atlantis was destroyed because the inhabitants did not work with nature.

In some ways, we are revisiting Atlantis when I'm shown vision after vision of our planet losing the magnetic strength in its earth crust. All of the energies of the planet have to be in harmony in order to live off each other. When all of this begins to fail, we witness energy movements like strong earthquakes, volcano activity, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes cyclones, and major climate change. It is all there for anyone to see if they choose to open their eyes.

Some good news is that Spirit is showing the World Zoos are going to begin to take a central role in managing small eco-system hubs. They won't only be looking after animals and aquariums. They will begin to work hand in hand with the science communities and universities to look at our world's immediate need to prolong the decline of our insect world and reptilian species.

Exciting times ahead for our world's sciences and global zoo's. Let's pray they can combine their academic expertise and create the eco-system hubs Spirit is revealing.

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UPDATE: 18th September 2023

Zoos Victoria - Bogong Moth Tracker

Have you seen a Bogong Moth?
Vine's 2012 prediction about the decline of ecosystems (insects and reptiles), and the efforts by zoos to do what they can, continues to come true.

Have You Seen a Bogong Moth?

The Bogong Moth has all but disappeared, which has put the Mountain Pigmy-Possum in danger of extinction.

As a part of Zoos Victoria's commitment to protecting the Mountain Pygmy-Possum and helping the Bogong Moth, they have set up the Bogong Moth Tracker...
Bogong Moth Tracker

Zoos Victoria - Fighting Extinction

In 2019 we reported on 'Zoos Victoria' setting up a programme fighting to protect animals on the brink of extinction.

That programme, helping protect 27 local endangered species, is now well under way. It includes 13 reptiles and insects.

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UPDATE: 28th June 2021

Magnetic Field Connection to Life on Earth

In this prediction Vine stressed the connection between our magnetic field and life on Earth. Most importantly, Vine stresses the importance of our political leaders understanding that connection and acting accordingly.

So far our politicians are not getting it, but scientists are now desperately trying to convey the message that human activity is negatively impacting the ability of animals to migrate, which in turn has a clear detrimental impact on the ecologies they help maintain.

"Our planet is a living breathing energy and we are failing to spiritually see that as a human race we are energetically interconnected to all of the insect world, flora and fauna on our planet." - Vine, 2012

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UPDATE: 19th March 2021

Ecosystems, Insects & Reptiles Dying

Vine insect decline psychic prediction
Our Ecosystems are in Decline - Insects Are Dying Off at an Alarming Rate

Many years ago Vine's Spiritual Guardians warned us that due to selfishness human pursuit of 'never-ending' economic growth, our ecosystems are in decline. In this prediction in particular, they warned about declining numbers of insects and reptiles...

"Our planet isn't healthy anymore and climate change is more deeply upon us than we ever could have imagined." - Vine, 2012

Vine predicted that scientists would eventually provide evidence of the decline in ecosystems, insects etc. Unfortunately it is all coming true...

Insects Numbers Declining...

Reptiles in Danger of Extinction...

Zoos Preventing Extonctions

Vine's Psychic Predictions for 2021

In Vine's 2021 Psychic Prediction Channeling - The Correction Year, her Spiritual Guardians spell out the urgency of addressing the causes of climate change at the heart of our collapsing ecosystems, before it is too late.

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UPDATE: 22nd June 2019

Zoos Victoria - $30m plan to save 20 Australian Species from Extinction

Lord Howe Stick Insect Zoo Breeding Programme
Lord Howe Island Stick Insect - Included in Zoos Victoria programme to save endangered species from extinction

Vine predicted that zoos would be running programmes to prolong the decline of our insect and reptilian species.

Zoos Victoria has unveiled a $30m "master plan" to save 20 key species from extinction, including the the Southern Corroboree Frog and the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect. (Melbourne Zoo and Bristol Zoo in England first began breeding the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect in 2016.)

Southern Corroboree Frog
Southern Corroboree Frog - Included in Zoos Victoria programme to save endangered species from extinction

Zoos Victoria said their strategy is to reverse the decline of animals in the wild, rather than simply shelter them in captivity.

This is precisely what Vine predicted seven years ago.

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UPDATE: 3rd March 2019

Insect collapse

We are destroying our life support systems

Vine began this psychic prediction by saying: "Spirit has shown me a spiritual precognitive vision of how our amazing eco-systems are showing signs of strain and will slowly begin to decline over the years."

It was seven years ago that Vine also predicted: "Soon we will begin to have more environmental scientific evidence on how the eco-systems are declining where there is mining, removal of world forests and the overuse of our planet's resources."

Now, sadly, scientists are corroborating Vine's prediction...

Insect Collarse - Climate Change
Insects are disappearing fast...
PHOTO: Guardian and Entomologischer Verein Krefeld - entomological society in Krefeld, Germany, whose studies showed that between 1990 and 2016, there had been a 75% decline in the number of flying insects in the 63 nature reserves of the region.

Plummeting Insect Numbers Threaten Collapse of Nature

According to a global scientific review: Worldwide Decline of the Entomofauna, the world’s insects are on a fast path to extinction, threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”.

The ecosystem decline that Vine predicted seven years ago, has begun.

The report says that the rate of insect extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles and that at the current rate of decline, insects could vanish within a century.

Why Insect Extinction Matters?

Disappearing insects are the 'Canary in the Coal Mine'. The extreme heat and cold of climate change mean that insects are unable to adapt and they are dying.

As the ecosystems degrade, the insects and all of the animals that rely on them, die, which in turn feeds the cycle of destruction of the ecosystems on which humans utterly rely.

Researcher at the University of Sydney, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo warns. “If we don't stop it, entire ecosystems will collapse due to starvation.”

Scientists warn that unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades and the repercussions for the planet’s ecosystems (and the human race) will be catastrophic to say the least.

Bogong Moths Gone - Catastrophic!

Bogon Moths Gone
There are normally millions of Bogong Moths, but in 2019 they have virtually disappeared.

Normally in summer there are millions of Bogong moths lining the walls of caves in the Australian Alps, but for the past two years Bogong moth numbers have crashed and there have been no moths at all in some caves.

The disappearance of the moths has led to a decline in pygmy possum numbers and many people have noticed a drop in the numbers of Orb spiders.

Bogong moths gone - Tweet

In memory of Bogong Moths

Vine's Zoo Prediction

Unfortunately Vine's prediction about ecosystem collapse is coming true, however, her prediction that Zoos around the world would be involved in projects to save insect and reptiles, is also coming true...

Chester Zoo - Tortoise Recovery Programme


Oregon Zoo Butterfly Recovery Project

Climate change is decimating the Oregon silverspot butterfly population, and as Vine predicted, Oregon Zoo has a butterfly breeding program to try and save them. In 2018, more than 3,000 zoo-reared butterfly larvae were released at sites in Oregon and Washington.

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UPDATE: 15th February 2016

English Zoo Hatches NZ Tuatara Reptile

In this psychic prediction Vine said that zoos around the world would co-operate in attempting to prolong the decline of endangered insect and reptilian species.

Tuatara Lizard
Now Chester Zoo in England has successfully reproduced the endangered New Zealand lizard-like Tautara reptile for the first time in decades, outside of New Zealand.

Chester Zoo keeper Isolde McGeorge said the next challenge is to repeat the zoo's success and help increase numbers of this endangered species.

This psychic prediction continues to come true.

UPDATE: 14th January 2016

Zoo Hatches Rare Stick Insect Eggs

In this psychic prediction, Vine said that "Zoos would be coming together" to recreate mini ecosystems with the aim of helping endangered insect species to survive.

Vine's Prediction - True

Four years after Vine predicted it, Melbourne zoo has come together with Bristol Zoo and other zoos around the world to save an endangered species of Stick Insect from Lord Howe Island.

Bristol Zoo have successfully hatched eggs of the rare Lord Howe Island stick insect. Other zoos in Toronto and San Diego will be trying to do the same thing with the aim of eventually returning the species to Lord Howe island.

Melbourne Zoo director Kevin Tanner said hundreds of eggs shipped to overseas zoos will be crucial to the species' survival. He said, "By sending the eggs overseas we are aiming to set up insurance populations in Europe and North America, to help ensure the future of the species."

This is exactly what Vine predicted.

UPDATE: 7th June 2012

Vine's spiritual prophecy about the Earth's environmental health going into immediate decline is being confimed today by the United Nations. Vine was warned by her spiritual guardians that the eco-systems around the world are struggling to cope with the loss of major forests, over fishing, the mining of our Earths natural minerals and resources. As a human species we have been largely ignorant of how all species harmonize with each other.

This is what Vine predicted:
"Soon we will begin to have more environmental scientific evidence on how the eco-systems are declining where there is mining, removal of world forests and the overuse of our planet's resources."

The United Nations have attempted to get the world's leaders and the public to understand how dire climate change really is. They warn that the world's ecosystems decline will affect our global food supply. They have released the latest findings by climate scientists who concur with Vine's psychic prediction that our world will not recover from climate change because there is irreversible damage being done.

In this prediction Vine said:
"This prediction saddens me because I know as custodians of this planet we are failing to heed the guidance about our environment and nature. "

The BBC have reported that our Earth is near the tipping point of irreversible damage, confirming Vine's warning about our lack of action in managing climate change will be devastating for future generations.

Sound Recording of Forest Before and After Selective Logging

READ THIS and LISTEN TO RECORDINGS: It might give an understanding how the harmony of all energies come together to help our eco-systems.

Bernie Krause, introduced some of the biggest bands in the world to the synthesiser in the mid-1960s, but is now famous for his recordings in Nature.

His sound recording of the ecosystem of a forest before and after selective logging demonstrated the remarkable degradation not immediately apparent just by looking at the forest.

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