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BREAKDOWN of Vine's 2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message

The Omega Has Risen

Vine Seer Spiritual Message:

The Earth date of 11:11:11 is spiritually welcoming in the 'Breath of the Omega' teachings.

Now we can find out what the Alpha and Omega spiritual knowledge really is about.

The date chosen by the Higher Realms for the release of the initial Omega has Risen spiritually channelled message, was 22/2/22.

The date the Higher Realms has chosen to publish this detailed analysis of their spiritual message is an historically recognised date on our Earth that coincided with major transformation.

The signing of the Armistice after World War 1 (Armistice Day), was at the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. When Remembrance Day comes around every year, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, we consciously pause to be still, remember, and be ONE.

This is a Spiritual Prayer of Stillness, which utilises the 11:11 Energy Code. (For more information read Vine's article on the 11:11 Energy Code and the Spiritual Prayer of Stillness)

As above, there below.

The higher realms has chosen the final date of the spiritual prophecy breakdown in the Universal Language of 2 2 2.

This energetic language, although foreign to our world, has significant meaning to star beings.

Continuing on from Part 1 of the prophecy message breakdown and to conclude the spiritual channeling, I have also been guided to only release what is already covered and not overcomplicate the language by rushing too far ahead.

Hopefully once this knowledge is revealed it may open new discoveries and awaken our world to respect all of consciousness.

Once again, thank you for allowing me to be the Higher Realms’ conduit and for trusting the spiritual channeling throughout the years.

In the energy of Oneness,
let's proceed...

2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message

Line by Line Breakdown...

( Part 2 of 2 )

"As above, there below. As of energy from the heavens, as of energy of the cosmos."

The higher realms is revealing spiritual consciousness exists on the Earth Plane, in the heavens and throughout the Cosmos.

Consciousness is a continuous aligned energy that connects us to Oneness - 'All that is and ever will be'... God.

"Our mirror of the divine chose to incarnate to be our vessel.

Her knowledge of the heavens was dedicated to the lifting from her vessel to meet with the Guardians of all knowing in her childhood.

She knows of our existence and honours her calling.”

This is my spiritual guardians sharing how I knew before I incarnated into a human body that I would be incarnating with full knowledge assisting star beings.

Throughout my childhood I have lifted out of my physical vessel (body) to communicate with heightened spiritual intelligence - star beings.

In my "About Vine" webpage biography, podcasts, and videos I have openly revealed I have been communicating with heightened intelligence all of my life. I know that star beings exist, because I have been with them and had many divine spiritual visitations throughout my life.

What was I spiritually asked to do?
To reveal time as we know it doesn't exist.

How was I able to demonstrate it?
By releasing important psychic predictions and spiritual prophecy that came true. It allowed my clients and followers to determine the accuracy after it was eventually verified by credible media.

"She has never swayed when darkness visited to crush her vessel.

She has never allowed herself to be captured by false teachings”

Having agreed to be a vessel for 'higher spiritual intelligence' has meant I had to endure many paranormal (and some unpleasant) occurrences with lower entities. This is something you will read about in other religions/first people's true life experiences.

There are light spiritual beings and there are also lower entities that can torment seers, medicine women/men, when they offer their vessel for spiritual servitude.

One visit of lower entities was to energetically crush my vessel. My spiritual guardians protected me, as they have done with other similar encounters.

The higher realms is also guiding I never allowed my vessel to be captured by false teachings - always honouring my spiritual role.

"What you consider life of hardship cannot be compared to the lessons our mirror has endured.

We honour her existence, her servitude to your world and the cosmos.”

Not only have I had to endure physical life hardships, at the same time I was also contending with other worldly and paranormal occurrences.

I have always described this as living in both worlds; the Earth world and the Spiritual Realms world.

"We now reveal your true essence.”

The higher realms is going to reveal the lost language, the same channeling they gave the 'chosen ones', religious hierarchy and indigenous first people throughout the ages.

The same lost language that was tainted by some in religious hierarchy who used it for deviant abuse of child essence.

The breath of consciousness is in every living being on this Earth.
Your true spiritual essence is the breath you carry in your human vessel. 

"We reveal consciousness in all its forms.”

It is the same consciousness that permeates in every living thing on Earth.

Trees, are spiritual consciousness.
Those beautiful trees that we see in forests, driving through the countryside, in our gardens... are spiritual consciousness.

Animals are spiritual consciousness.
Marine life is spiritual consciousness.
Flora, fauna, elements of nature are spiritual consciousness.
Reptiles are spiritual consciousness. The same as insects.
Every living spiritual energy is spiritual consciousness.

Sciences have been identifying and connecting the direct relationships between our ecosystems and biosphere, understanding that every living thing is reliant on the other.

All consciousness in nature resonates at different vibrational frequencies.

This ancient knowledge from the higher realms was originally respected by ancient tribes and other spiritual beings who lived with nature.

They walked lightly on the Earth and only used what was given freely by nature.

The disconnection of humans (spiritual beings) understanding that nature is also consciousness, has resulted in the abuse of the natural world.

What we are living through now, is the failure to see other living sentient essence as our own spiritual self, and this has caused the imbalance of the climate crisis.

It has caused the human disconnection, disharmony of animal extinctions, abuse of the environment etc.

"The deceivers will be shown no mercy.”

When I was first asked to publish psychic predictions and spiritual prophecy, I was initially hesitant, believing I would be lumped in with celebrity psychic predictions. I was then guided about the deceivers who were directly responsible for all of the chaos our world is experiencing.

The higher realms continually revealed a deceptive undercurrent attacking our world. This deceptive undercurrent is the cause of spiritual separation, wars and terrorism, the abuse of the financial and banking sector, housing market manipulation and destroying the natural world etc.

For the last 15 years I have been revealing every deceptive thing they have been doing to have authority over the natural world and humanity.

The spiritual prophecy for 2022 "The Omega has Arisen" is directly identifying how the higher realms is singling out deceivers in our world.

"The deceivers will be shown no mercy”, is the higher realms warning they have no more tolerance for their destructive deviant behaviour and how they are destroying the natural world and causing large amounts of human suffering to occur in our world.

I've touched on how disconnected they are from every living thing. They are separated from the greater good. Their aura releases a dense vibrational frequency that reveals it has no conscience. The billionaires, entrepreneurs that suck the life out of humans and treat them like economic slaves, the church that weaponises its congregation to live off the wealth of secret armoury deals, money laundering, etc. These are all of the deceivers, ignoring every traditional spiritual law for the sole purpose of uncontrollable greed and power.

The higher realms knows how far they have moved into removing the 'free will' of spiritual beings, using surveillance, and even intelligence to take away the human rights (spiritual rights) of humanity. To devise ways of altering brain patterns by placing implantable brain–machine interfaces to take even more control of spiritual beings.

They know their evil thoughts, their war planning, their deviant sexual pleasures and their intelligence. They are now informing our world leaders that these deviant beings will be shown no mercy.

2022 is the higher realms warning that these deceptive beings have caused our world to go into devolution.

The pandemics, economic crisis and failure to honour all life is now at a karmic reckoning.

"All is known.”

How does the Higher Realms know what the deceivers of our world are doing?

By the same spiritual breath energy essence that we all have. It leaves an energetic imprint of auric thoughts and identifies how disconnected they are in controlling spiritual beings and the natural world. There is no such thing as time, as we know it. They have no secrets… because it is known.

"All technology of your planet is known.”

This is just reiterating what I have already guided. The higher realms is all knowing. Omnipresent. Omnipotent and there are no secrets. Therefore the technology we have in our world comes from consciousness.

To go up against a spiritual heightened intelligence that not only knows what is going on in our world, but what technology we are using, means we have no influence. They have not interfered in our choices until it is having a direct impact on the cosmos.

The same deceptive beings destroying everything on Earth, are now using that power to enter into space travel and also use weaponry in space. The spiritual protection on our Earth that has shielded us in the past, is now no more. These deceivers are out of their depth in a cosmic world they have no universal authority over.

The UFO's UAPs that are being sighted all over our Earth (not the deep fakes), are monitoring what is going on in our world, because we are a destructive spiritual human essence that could cause further harm to the cosmos. We only have to look at how much space junk we have created without ever questioning whether we have spiritual authority to do the same thing as we have done to our Earth.

"The Omega has Arisen”

This is Self explanatory. The Higher Realms, star beings, are now defending the Cosmos from a destructive out of control and disconnected life force.

The more our world leaders ignore their destructive ways, the abuse of spiritual beings to have free will, and the natural world, the more they will be monitoring and protecting everything that could cause further harm to all life in the cosmos.

The higher realms doesn't have to be visually seen, because it is omnipresent - everywhere.

That knowledge in itself means even the most sophisticated military weaponry will not penetrate.

It is a spiritual war we cannot win and one we don't really have the capacity to spiritually understand.

The further our polar world melts, the less protection we actually have. All of this spiritual knowledge has already been shared under previous prophecies throughout the years. We are causing our world to go into energetic decline and now suffering the climate consequences.

"Look to the skies as we defend the heavens.

You are honoured, let no entity of the darkness seek to hold you as a prisoner.

Let the cloak holders arise to share the true teachings.
You are Omega in full knowing"

The higher realms and star beings will defend the heavens. They will defend the spiritual beings who incarnated to live life in free will.

They have not forsaken the spiritual beings who chose to be born on Earth. They have said throughout the spiritual prophecy, that every living being is honoured in the higher realms. They request that the 'cloak holders' reveal the truth about star beings and the hidden scribes to reveal their existence.

It is time to lift the veil about the star beings. The same star beings I not only know exist, but also know have been trying to assist us throughout the years to identify who is causing our world to be in disharmony. They remind us we are the beginning and the end in full knowing. We carry spiritual consciousness.  

"Thus no more lower entities will destroy your vessel.
With this we bid you well.

Look to the skies as the dark entities behind your leaders are challenged in their teachings.”

They are guiding they are not going to allow the deceptive lower entities to attack our vessels. Whether that is the deceivers who ignore free will on our Earth, or the dark entities that have paranormally been causing havoc.

They are ending the channeling and telling us to look towards the skies as they are more visible.

They intend to reveal themselves in full consciousness. It is up to our world leaders to do what is necessary to stop deceivers from continuing to abuse the trust of humanity and the natural world.

Nature in itself is capable of energetically responding to the destruction of the natural world.

Our leaders have to decide if it is worth it to go up against peaceful spiritual star beings who are defending the cosmos from the deceivers. Only going through ancient spiritual scribes will give them the answer.


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