Vine Psychic

Vine's 2015
Psychic Predictions

Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Australian Greens Become a Political Alternative to LNP and Labor
20th July 2015

2015 World Psychic Prediction
Remarkable Sun Phenomena - Galactic Radiation Waves, Scientists Worried
19th July 2015

2015 World Political Psychic Prediction
Military Intelligence Hypocrisy
New World Order

11th January 2015

2015 World Political Psychic Prediction
Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq - Radical Religious Leaders Confronted
1st January 2015

Read Vine's Spiritual Channeling and Message for 2015 here:
2015 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling - Karmic Report Card Year

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Australian Greens Become a Political Alternative To LNP and Labor

Australian Political Psychic Prediction
20th July 2015

The spiritual vision I am being shown in the next Australian federal election reveals the Greens political party have backed a strong political leader in electing Richard Di Natale.

When I tuned into the future political climate I am seeing a vision of men and women turning away from both the Liberal National Party (coalition) and the Labor party. The mood of the electorate is a rage against what the political parties stand for. In particular the demographics of young voters are revealing families entrenched in historical voting patterns will move away from their parents and grandparents voting patterns.

The Greens in Australia are going to poll extremely well and win seats in Labor and LNP seats throughout Australia. Both political parties are going to be in shock as the Australian people reveal dissatisfaction and put more Greens into Federal, State and Territory Governments.

The next federal election is going to reveal that voters don't like being taken for granted. Richard Di Natale is about to bring the Greens ambitions of being a serious contender a whole lot closer. Watch for the Greens to hold their own, as people dip into their pockets to counteract large political donations to LNP and Labor from Mining companies, property developers and big business, and to help the Greens build a stronger political force.

UPDATE: 8th September 2015

People Beginning to Talk About the Greens as an Alternative to Liberal and Labor Parties

Not long after Richard Di Natale was elected leader of the Australian Greens, Vine predicted that the Greens would rise in popularity to the point where they would become an alternative to the Labor and Liberal parties.

Two months later and with headlines like these in some sections of the media: "The Greens are Now a Genuine Alternative" - people are starting to agree with Vine's prediction.

It's still early days, but is Vine's prediction about the Green's increased popularity in Australia starting to come true?

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Remarkable Sun Phenomena - Galactic Radiation Waves, Scientists Worried

World Psychic Prediction
19th July 2015

The Spiritual vision being channeled by the higher angelic realms will have governments and scientists realising they have misread the galactic radiation waves of the sun. (Refer to previous prophecy guided by higher realms about the sun's vibrational energy and the Earth's magnetic field changes from polar regions).

I am seeing the sun as a whole, create a halo wave that appears to reveal the sun releasing an enormous wave explosion, which was followed immediately by an implosion, to it's original state. Using the art of clairaudience (clear spiritual hearing) I was guided that our world leaders are allowing corporations to dissolve crucial technology not effected by galactic radiation waves. I was guided that short sightedness in removing technology infrastructure would result in world communications coming to a complete halt.

It is important to stipulate the vision I was shown could occur from 2016 and beyond. It appeared to be a warning to military leaders and world governments to protect crucial communications technology and not rely on wifi and digital only. Important communications policy for world governments and military leaders to consider when protecting the national security of global citizens or from returning to the dark ages.

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Military Intelligence Hypocrisy – New World Order

2015 World Psychic Prediction
11th January 2015

Why is Spirit guiding the world people about military intelligence hypocrisy? To ensure the people respond before this gets out of control.

The Spiritual guidance I am revealing from the higher realms is about a dominant government intelligence agency using the disguise of terrorism to create political and religious unrest in other countries.

This is similar to the political psychic prediction I was guided to release about the enemy within in Egypt.

The most recent terrorist attack in France is why my Spiritual guardians are warning of the deception of some terrorist attacks.

I was guided there have been a lot of deceptive intelligence attacks in France that appear to be random, but are well rehearsed, orchestrated events where the real perpetrators remain hidden.

I was shown a family and innocent bystander being killed in the past because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. A family attacked in their car in a country setting in France.

None of these images are known to me, but the visions that were flashed before me were to show how many people are losing their lives because the real government deceiver is trying to frighten the public into submission. I am guided this country is training all Western world police to act brutally against their own civilians. They want all governments to follow their lead.

Which country is responsible for the over the top military intelligence and police training that turns on its citizens? This is where you will identify who is wanting to create a New World Order.

UPDATE: 20th May 2015

In this psychic prediction, Vine warned of a country providing military training to police forces around the world.

"I am guided this country is training all Western world police to act brutally against their own civilians. They want all governments to follow their lead."

It's clear that the country in question is Israel. The military training they have provided to most police forces in the USA has coincided with a dramatic increase in media coverage and mobile phone videos of police brutality. People are now able to see for themselves exactly what methods are being used by police.

US Bans Military Equipment for Police

Since 9/11 police have also been receiving military style equipment from the Federal Government. President Obama is now restricting access to these powerful weapons.

"Substantial risk of misusing or overusing" powerful weapons has been identified by the Task Force on 21st Century Policing, set up by Obama to help build confidence between police and minority communities.

The increase in recent mobile phone videos of police brutality clearly show that the attitude of police has far more relevance to police brutality, than the military equipment available to the police forces.

As attention moves to the type of equipment available to police, Vine's warning about military style training for police forces, remains very relevant.

UPDATE: - 30th April 2015

In this psychic prediction Vine warns about Western police forces acting brutally against their own civilians.

Since the last Bush Administration, many police forces in the United States have been trained in Israel counter terrorist techniques. Since that time, shootings of unarmed civilians in the US has risen dramatically, and police response to crowd control has become more militarised.

How Did Baltimore Riots Start?
The recent riots in Baltimore have been widely reported by the mainstream press as being gang related. But according to eyewitness reports from teachers and parents, it was the actions of police that inflamed a tense-but-stable situation.

Baltimore Police

After Ferguson last year and now Baltimore in 2015, the militarisation of police seems to becoming more prevalent, and Vine's prediction could be a warning to the world public to make sure their own police are not being militarised.

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Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq - Radical Religious Leaders Confronted

2015 World Psychic Prediction
1st January 2015

The spiritual vision I am being shown is the UN Security Council pressuring Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq and other dominant Muslim countries to be outspoken about religious leaders who are encouraging radical terrorist groups.

I am seeing a vision of a highly influential religious leader in Iran being singled out as one of the most dangerous, anti-humanitarian religious leaders. I am guided the world intelligence agencies are involved in trying to get the people of Iran to move away from this religious leader's teachings.

I am also witnessing an assignation attempt on his life when he is speaking from a platform. I see a religious leader in a black robe addressing a large audience and someone coming from behind and stabbing him. The political reasoning behind the assignation attempt is, its better for one life to be lost, than hundreds of thousands of lives lost.

As I am in Australia and don't have any political knowledge of the Middle East, other than the clairvoyant visions that have been previously prophesied by the angelic realms, I am doing the best I can to describe the location and countries involved.

Is the world going to see a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World? I am guided we are in the early stages of seeing this come forth. Even though Israel is using its political might in the United States of America.

UPDATE: - 7th August 2015

In this prediction, Vine saw the early stages of a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World, even though Israel is using its political might in the United States to stop this from coming about by appealing to the Jewish American community.

Obama's Iran Nuclear Peace Deal

Against strong opposition from Israel and pro-Israel Republicans, President Obama has forged a peace deal to stop Iran getting Nuclear weapons.

Vine's Prediction Comes True

President Obama hailed the Iran nuclear deal as "a step towards a more hopeful world".

In her prediction, Vine called it, "the early stages of seeing a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World."

As pro-Israel opposition to the peace deal continues, President Obama has warned, it’s either the Iran Nuclear Peace Deal or ‘Some Sort of War’.

UPDATE: - 5th August 2015

On January 21st 2015, just 20 days after Vine made this psychic prediction about Iran, and about Israel's political influence in the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted an invitation from Republicans to address the US Congress on the threat posed by Iran and radical Islam.

As Vine predicted, this was a blatant attempt to exert political influence in the US even though the White House said the invitation from the US Speaker of the House John Boehner came as a surprise to Obama’s staff and was a breach or protocol.

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