Vine Psychic
Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to be a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devastating environmental and social effects of climate change.

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US Tax Changes - Obama Puts Foot Down

Psychic Prediction by - 26th Aug 2011

I'm being shown a vision of President Obama digging his heels in when it comes to dealing with inequities in the business community and the many wealthy individuals and businesses who believe they should be exempt from contributing taxes to their country.

I see President Obama flexing his muscle as he goes up against the large institutions and corporations that refuse to change. They are going to be made to change and toe the line, because the President has the backing of most of the American community when it comes to stopping rorts and back scratching for the rich. There will be no more commission hand-outs, because there will be no money to pay for them.

Spiritually I'm being guided that as a global economic community we are now removing the blinkers from our eyes to see how the real Universal energy of exchange has to work around the world to get the economy moving again.

It is going to be a shock for people who do not want to budge from their political stance, but spiritually they are not going to be able to fight the force of universal karma.

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UPDATE: 15th January 2016

Obama Points Finger at Tax Avoiders

Another of Vine's predictions has come true.

In this prediction, Vine said that President Obama would be "digging his heels in when it comes to dealing with inequities in the business community and the many wealthy individuals and businesses who believe they should be exempt from contributing taxes to their country."

President Obama used his final State of the Union Address to talk about Tax Avoidance. He made sure everybody knew who was doing it when he said, "It's sure not the average family watching tonight that avoids paying taxes through offshore accounts."

Tax policies introduced by Obama in 2012, have resulted in the effective tax rate for the richest 400 Americans rising to 22.9 percent in 2013 (the latest year for which data are available). This is an increase from the historically low rate of 16.7 percent that this elite group collectively paid in 2012.

As for Vine's prediction about inequities in business, Obama said, "Immigrants aren’t the reason wages haven’t gone up enough; those decisions are made in the boardrooms that too often put quarterly earnings over long-term returns."

UPDATE: 9th April 2015

President Obama deals with Corporate Tax Avoidance

Vine's psychic prediction about President Obama and the global economic community dealing with inequities and tax avoidance, has come TRUE.

President Barack Obama's fiscal 2016 budget will seek new taxes on trillions of dollars in profits accumulated overseas by U.S. companies, and a new approach to taxing foreign profits in the future.

It's not just the US that is concerned about Corporate tax avoidance. In this psychic prediction, Vine also wrote: "Spiritually I'm being guided that as a global economic community we are now removing the blinkers from our eyes to see how the real Universal energy of exchange has to work around the world to get the economy moving again."

Vine's Psychic Prediction Comes True in Australia

In Australia, the fight against corporate tax avoidance is ramping up in 2015 with a Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance. Companies appearing before the tax inquiry are tech giants: Google, Apple, Microsoft, News Corp and mining companies: Glencore, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group.

Senator Bill Heffernan says Tax avoidance is "a threat to our sovereignty". He said, "The Western world needs to tackle multi-national tax avoidance a "bit like" it has tackled the Islamic State terrorist group" and added that he hoped the inquiry would make more "average taxpayers realise what's going on." Just as Vine predicted, this is exactly what is happening.

Treasurer Refuses to Name & Shame Tax Dodgers

The Liberal Government in Australia is trying to protect tax dodgers from being named and shamed. Treasurer Joe Hockey has refused to release the names of tax avoiding companies in Australia who transferred a combined $31.4 billion to Singapore in 2011-2012.

Labor Senator Sam Dastyari has accused Treasurer Joe Hockey and the Tax Commissioner of protecting some of the nation's worst tax dodgers.

Vine correctly predicted all of this exposure of tax avoiding companies around the world, and she also correctly predicted the reason why we are putting our foot down against tax avoiders: " get the economy moving again."

UPDATE: 25th December 2011

The title of this prediction: "US Tax Changes - Obama Puts Foot Down" says it all. Since this prediction was made, President Obama has done just that and yesterday he made sure Congress would extend tax breaks into 2012.

UPDATE: 16th October 2011

In 2009 in her 'psychic readings blog 'Vine wrote about the spiritual guidance she was being shown concerning 'people rising up to fight for a better quality of life'. These predictions are happening now with theOccupy Wall Street protest right around the world.

Vine's prediction was certainly True when she said, "It is going to be a shock for people who do not want to budge from their political stance, but spiritually they are not going to be able to fight the force of universal karma."

UPDATE: 6th October 2011

In her most recent update about the American economy Vine shared with her audience that: "Spiritually I'm being guided that as a global economic community we are now removing the blinkers from our eyes to see how the real Universal energy of exchange has to work around the world to get the economy moving again."

She was shown that the mood was changing about people amassing huge wealth but not doing enough to help their own countries through the economic crisis in 2010.

This is exactly what is happening with the latest protests in New York. The people have had enough and are wanting to show the rest of the globe they are upset about the banks being bailed out after the GFC and the Wall Street corporate commission handouts, which occurred when the rest of the US was struggling to get jobs and their houses were repossessed.

UPDATE: 18th September 2011

It is obvious that Vine's prediction has come true. The latest BBC news report details Obama is planning to change the tax system to make it more fair for all. President Obama plans to change the tax rate to make millionaires pay the same rate as the middle and lower class.

This is exactly what Vine said would happen when she tuned into the US debt situation and sought spiritual guidance. It is now up to the American public to place pressure on the Republicans to pass the bills being put forward.

UPDATE: 16th September 2011

Still more news about Vine's prediction about US tax changes.
In the USA over 12,000 tax cheats have come forward under the voluntary disclosure program to inform the IRS how much money they shipped offshore.

The International Revenue Services has now collected $500 million dollars and sent out a clear message to the 'many wealthy individuals' who as Vine shared were trying to avoid doing their fair share to keep the US economy afloat.

UPDATE: 13th September 2011

US President Barack Obama is asking the American people to support his latest job plan that will tax hedge-fund managers, stop oil and gas firms from getting tax perks etc.

This is exactly what Vine was shown in this psychic prediction vision. She predicted all of this would happen before it was known to the rest of the world.

UPDATE: 9th September 2011

Is President Barrack Obama's latest speech about payroll tax cuts the beginning of addressing some of the tax inequities Vine previously provided guidance about. She described that she saw Obama would come out with a strong force to change the economic woes of the American economy.

Vine spiritually saw the US president had the backing of the American people to bring in major tax and economic reforms.

UPDATE: 3rd September 2011

US President Obama is requesting the US regulator to sue 17 American and international banks involved in the 2007 subprime housing lending.

Vine described a spiritual vision where she said: "I see President Obama flexing his muscle as he goes up against the large institutions and corporations that refuse to change. They are going to be made to change and toe the line, because the President has the backing of most of the American community when it comes to stopping rorts and back scratching for the rich. There will be no more commission hand-outs, because there will be no money to pay for them."

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