Vine Psychic

Psychic Prediction

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

War or Peace,
Israel vs Middle East?

Psychic Prediction by - 2nd March 2012

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I see a tense meeting with men dressed in suits arguing about a course of military action. I see a man who holds great power slamming his fists on the table as he demonstrably postulates his disapproval about the lack of action being taken by the world governments. I am guided this is about nuclear disarmament and the country being shown to me is Israel.

Our world is in a precarious position trying to hold onto world peace, there is a spiritual undercurrent being shown by my loving spiritual guardians that is guiding that if we fail in our duty to help people who are in difficult war situations now, we will be unable to globally deal with a military presence that has been hiding itself.

I'm being shown a military force that is moving into a remote location, near a desert. I see people dressed in a light coloured military uniform ready to ambush what looks like an industrial plant.

I feel this military act of aggression will be considered to be a declaration of war.

It is a well thought out strategic manoeuvre by a government that has run out of patience and the consequences of their action could be detrimental to our global community as other countries will immediately become involved having to declare which side of the fence they sit on.

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, but we all have to accept some level of responsibility because we dutifully allowed our world governments to agree to the action being taken.

There is no timeline being given to me by Spirit, I am guided this is a warning to our world to act before the situation gets out of control.

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Read This Prediction

Prediction Update: 14th August 2017

Mysterious Blast at Iran Nuclear Plant

Two years after Vine made this prediction about an "Israeli military act of aggression", there was a "mysterious" explosion at a military industrial facility in Parchin, south of Tehran in Iran. The Parchin facility was suspected of having conducted high-explosive tests related to the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

Vine saw a vision of "a military force that is moving into a remote location, near a desert. I see people dressed in a light coloured military uniform ready to ambush what looks like an industrial plant."

Nuclear Plant, Iran - Psychic Prediction
Military industrial facility in Parchin, south of Tehran in Iran - Vine's vision was of an ambush concerning nuclear disarmament on an industrial plant in a remote location, near a desert

So far, the cause of the explosion is unknown, however, Mark Fitzpatrick (director of the non-proliferation and disarmament programme at the International Institute for Strategic Studies) says,

"If Iran was developing nuclear weapons there and refused inspections, then it would be a prime target for a pre-emptive military strike. That's why there was so much interest when a large explosion was reported at Parchin."

From Stuxnet to the Iran Nuclear Deal

To understand the signifigance of this explosion, it's necessary to know about the failure of the Stuxnet computer worm virus attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2010. The Stuxnet computer virus, designed to infiltrate and destroy Iran’s nuclear centrifuges, was eventually discovered and failed to do any real damage.

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Update: 6th May 2013

The tensions in Israel that Australian Psychic Vine talks of in this psychic prediction, remain.

Israel, now strongly concerned with Iran's military involvement in Syria, has carryied out air strikes in Syria against 'missiles destined for Hezbollah'.

Suggesting that the air strikes were also a signal to Iran, Amos Yadlin, head of the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, made it clear to Tehran on Army Radio, "Syria is a very important part in the front that Iran has built. Iran is testing Israel and the U.S. determination in the facing of red lines and ...that at least some of the players, when they define red lines and they are crossed, take it seriously.”

This is the same terminology used by Prime Minister Netanyahu when urging the US and other nations to set a "red line" for Iran's nuclear programme.

Update: 17th November 2012

Vine's prediction (warning) of war in the Middle East is coming true.

Last month Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General assembly to urge the international community to halt Iran's nuclear program. He said that the international community needed to be prepared to strike Iran's nuclear sites by the summer.

Just one month later, the problems in Gaza have escalated into a full blown war.

There is no such thing as coincidence.

Is the present escalation of the war against Hamas in Gaza a planned strategic move for a wider conflict that would manufacture a reason to attack targets in Iran, in particular uranium-enrichment facilities?

Vine warns that "Our world is in a precarious position trying to hold onto world peace..."

We should remain vigilant as to what wars our governments are planning for us in the near future and be on guard not to dutifully allow our world governments to agree to action that will make the problems worse.

Update: 8th October 2012

In this prediction Vine wrote, "...I see a man who holds great power slamming his fists on the table as he demonstrably postulates his disapproval about the lack of action being taken by the world governments. I am guided this is about nuclear disarmament and the country being shown to me is Israel."

Seven months after this prediction, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demonstrated it's truth.

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly he has used a drawing of a bomb to ..."demonstrably postulate his disapproval about the lack of action being taken..." and to urge the international community to halt Iran's nuclear programme. Vine predicted exactly that Prime Minister Netanyahu would actually demonstrate his beliefs on the Nuclear situation somehow.

There is clearly much going on under the surface that points to the rest of Vine's prediction coming true.

With the U.S. elections just weeks away, media reports now suggest there is a possibility of an 'October Surprise in relationship to Israel and Iran. An October Surprise is something happening 'coincidentally' just before the U.S. elections, which greatly improves the chances of one party over the other.

In this case, further problems between Israel and Iran would greatly favour the Republicans, but if the problems are not inflamed before the election, this would favour the Democrats. For the sake of everybody in the world, we hope that the only intervention is for peace.

Update: 6th March 2012

Vine was spiritually guided to send a warning to the world people about Israel tensions with the Middle East reaching breaking point.

President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are discussing the possiblity of Israel using military force against Iran because of a possible nuclear threat against Israel.

Vine was guided to warn our world was hanging precariously on the verge of entering another war - World War III.

Nuclear Energy Vibrations from our Planet - North Korea
Vine warns of nuclear catastrophe if world leaders don't calm down the situation in North Korea.

China and Political Unrest Between North-South Korea
Vine warns of political unrest in North Korea and China's softly softly approach

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