2020 Psychic Predictions - Clairvoyant Medium VINE
"And I asked the Truth 'Who are these? And He said to me, 'This is the deceiver and the error. And they are alike in the beloved and in his bride. And they lead astray and corrupt the whole world. And they invite many to the banquet."

ODE 38 - The Forgotten Books of Eden (1926)

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Vine Psychic Spiritual Channeling
1st January 2020

2020 Psychic Prediction Spiritual Prophecy by Vine’s Higher Guardians

Revealing the Secret Language lost to Our World

Greetings to all who frequent the Earth, our beloved vision of light beings,

We come to you to offer our praise for the work you have done to show 'the way'.

The lost knowledge was bequeathed to all beings. Those who selfishly clasped it for their own reverence will be known.

As the ring revealed 'the way', we reveal the prose that has been lost. To know the prose, is to know the secret of the teachings in the highest.

Dark caves will be no more as you find out how our teachings were altered to help the deceptive ones claim self governance.

We no more gave the deceptive beings our teachings, as we chose the faith of your creation.

Those who greedily ate the fatted cow were never blessed with our enlightenment. They took what did not belong to them, to hold our loved creation into slavery.

There are some on your planet who have used this fruit and hid our words for 'self' accomplishments, gathering in secret to benefit the hidden world.

We witness the lost faith as they congregate to devise ways of holding onto the glory.

Do we offer them our creation? Alas, we offer no such enlightenment. The cloak holders blasphemous alteration will pay penance.

In your mansions in the sky, you have altered our teachings to be self serving. Your eyes who delve into the abodes of our beloved will be known. Deception will be known.

As we pay witness to the deceivers' army, we impress this knowing to all who frequent the Earth, you are worthy of all of our teachings.

The discarded prose will be known, and so with that we will offer a way forward.

You attempt to keep our beings in slavery as you meet in your covens to entrap and enslave.

We will show your deception, we will reveal the masks you hide as-under.

Know our words will reach our beloved.

The darkness that has clasped its presence on our creation will be known.

Oh roosters, you do not crow for the true master - you sold your soul to the deceiver.

Our mirror will show the way, as we reveal the secrets to all people of faith.

Stay true to your calling, as we show the way.

Be of good cheer as you hear our words, that all is not lost.

Be blessed oh loved beings, do not feel we have not heard your cries.

We say to you the year of balance will move the scales.

Consciousness perfection is blessed to all.

With this we bid you well as we reveal the way.

• • • • • • • • • •

2020 Year of Balance

Australian Spiritual Seer Vine's Translation of Channeling

VINE Psychic Predictions for 2020 Last year the spiritual channeling from my higher guardians was uplifting news about hope and the angelic realms helping humanity with new Universal knowledge.

A warning: the higher realms guidance will make you question everything you think you know. The angelic realms are stressing we need to get the truth about our incarnation and how our world is so polarised in our politics, religions, and stewardship of our environment and failure to understand our reasons for being.

The angelic realms are here to show 'the way'.
The Way is a term they are referring to as revealing the truth.

The Consciousness Shift

My spiritual guardians offer gratitude to the people of Australia and the world who stood up to protect our environment and humanity in 2019. There was a huge shift in consciousness responsibility. You became more aware and responsible for nature's flora and fauna and elements.

We had to have a consciousness shift before we could grasp the latest prophecy.

Did you come to the realisation that some of the things you took for granted in your life were all directly related to nature? At some point during your everyday life, you were made to be aware of nature's elements. Fire, water, air, land (refer: artwork in previous prophecy showing the elements of nature). The higher realms guided it was your life constitution to be able to breathe fresh air, swim in the oceans and walk the land. This is a spiritual right of living.

How many of you found it difficult to breathe the air? Did you try to use land to find it would not respond because the healthy nutrients had been lost and nothing would grow? Did you learn you didn't have enough water to drink, or to feed crops? Did you swim in polluted oceans, rivers or lakes? Did your water source disappear because of drought?

In Australia, we experienced some of the most horrific weather extremes, that saw a huge loss of life to our precious wildlife and ancient forests. It was devastating and caused much suffering.

"The lost knowledge was bequeathed to all beings and those who selfishly clasped it for their own reverence will be known."

The higher realms are guiding there has been lost knowledge that was deliberately withheld from humanity. We have to keep referring back to early prophecy to understand who withheld this knowledge.

We now know the higher realms have singled out the dark cloak holders (higher authority in our churches and religious orders). They do not taint all cloak holders, the higher realms are stressing it was the deceptive beings who tainted their original spiritual teachings. That means in our religions, there are some who have twisted and tainted the original spiritual teachings for their own use. Refer to the higher realms previous channeling about cloak holders using the fruit for their own...

"As the ring revealed the way, we reveal the prose that has been lost. To know the prose, is to know the secret of all teachings in the highest."

This I am guided is to do with the December 2019 ring of fire solar eclipse. The higher realms have related major lunar or solar eclipse changes to prophecy timing. In earlier prophecy they referred to the blood moon as being an important event energetically pointing to the deceptive secret meetings between Trump, Putin. (Refer to Vine's Blood Moon Prophecy psychic prediction). It was predicted in earlier prophecy 'the deceivers' would interfere in global elections and infiltrate and destroy organisations to cause major upheaval in world governments.

The higher realms are going to reveal the spiritual prose that was deliberately withheld from the people. They refer to you as light beings.

"Dark caves will be no more, as you find how our teachings were altered to help the deceptive ones claim self-governance."

It is prophesied that if you know the lost knowledge that was withheld from you, then you can understand what is really going on in our world.

Spirit refers to this as taking you out of the dark caves.

They also stress that the original spiritual teachings were deliberately withheld to help the religious orders have self-governance. I have no doubt this may be controversial to people of religious faith. But we must continue as this will all make sense as I further interpret the spiritual channeling.

"We no more gave the deceptive beings our teachings, as we chose the faith of your creation."

The higher realms are guiding they did not choose the religious orders' teachings, and they did not select the faiths of our world.

In simple terms, this means there is no religion favoured above another by the higher realms. Nor is there any request for all beings to follow religious faith. Controversial, when you historically refer to how many wars have been fought and blood spilt on land, over religion. The higher realms aren't singling out any religious faith as being more important than any other... (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Jewish, Sikkh etc.)

"Those who greedily ate the fatted cow were never blessed with our enlightenment."

This is about the deceptive cloaked dark orders who greedily used religious teachings to build empires that allowed them to control the people who incarnated on the Earth.

"They took what did not belong to them, to hold our loved creation into slavery"

The same deceptive orders that altered the spiritual teachings for their own purpose, also created the political and economic systems that are holding the higher realms loved spiritual beings in economic slavery.

This has already been covered in previous prophecy. It is important to break down the prophecy to reveal to all spiritual beings that they have been in a celestial dance between the light and the dark. This is the celestial dance of accepting slavery, or being able to live freely.

We are still living through that dance. Most people in the world are unaware that the higher realms did not want us to be at the mercy of governments and religious orders that are trying to get us to comply with their rules and regulations where we have no say over our life. We are born of free will. If the higher realms wanted us to be obedient than we would have been born of 'no will'. That's an easy way to identify how we have been indoctrinated (conditioned) to immediately accept an overriding authority orders.

"There are some on your planet who have used this fruit and hid our words for 'self' accomplishments, gathering in secret to benefit the hidden world."

The higher realms celestial guardians use the term 'fruit' to mean spiritual knowledge. They channel the dark lords and the deceiver elite, with the help of the puppet masters and their infiltrated puppets in positions of authority have been behind a global spiritual coup, to be the authority of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

"We witness their lost faith, as they congregate to devise ways of holding onto the glory."

The higher realms are guiding that the deceivers have been slyly devising ways of controlling the people who incarnated. They want to hold onto power and they want you and I to be cognitively compliant. This will allow them to ignore the original spiritual teachings about allowing us to live life freely and being the stewards of nature.

Refer to the cloak holders setting up secret societies where they congregate in secret to control world economies, interfere in elections and political policy, to remove freedoms from the people. If they feel they are losing control they use the puppet masters (those who swore allegiance to their hidden world) to get changes in any area of government to benefit them.

The 'puppet masters' dictate the politics to their puppets. We know by what the higher realms are guiding about deceivers that they are directly related to the dark world. (They are manipulators of religion, the oligarchs, royalty, and mafia who respond to the hidden world).

The puppets, answerable to the cloak holders and deceiver elite are: politicians, judges, defence or police commanders, people who have been given special privileges to Silicon Valley empires, media moguls, financial multinational banks, property development, business entrepreneurs, etc.

"Do we offer them our creation? Alas, we offer no such enlightenment. The cloak holders blasphemous alteration will pay penance."

The higher realms are stressing, it was never intended that the deceptive cloak holders should prevent us from our original reasons for incarnating.

They channel that the cloak holders are creating spiritual sin and altering the original teachings. The cloak holders will be required to suffer spiritual penance for causing so much pain and hardship to their light beings (human civilisation and other forms of consciousness, including flora, fauna and elements).

This is why they channel there was no commandment for religious orders to use enlightenment as a means of getting us to be compliant to religious teachings. They are not singling out one religion above another, but they are talking about the radical religious teachings that have been altered to get people to commit atrocities in the name of religion or faith. The original spiritual teachings have been altered for their own political purposes. The cloak holders who have allowed beings to be killed in wars or terrorist attacks, have committed blasphemy and will be required to karmically pay the price.

"In your mansions in the sky you have allowed our teachings to be self-serving."

This part of the channeling is about the wealthy who live in elaborate settings, accumulating more wealth than they could ever need, while greedily allowing others to suffer. The higher realms are guiding they have twisted their original teachings to live off the ill-gotten gains of religion. How many religions in the world are nothing more than wealth creators?

"Your eyes who delve into the abodes of our beloved will be known. Deception will be known."

The higher realms have used the term "eyes" in previous prophecy. It relates to seeing.

"Your eyes", I believe refers to surveillance of spiritual beings in their own homes. The higher realms are referring to all people on our planet as being beloved, not to be spied upon as though they are under a microscope. I believe this relates to deceptive intelligence spying on the people, at the directions of the owners of technology (deceiver elite). This has been referred to in earlier prophecy - Controllers of the Internet and Economies - and the higher realms are not taking kindly to their loved beings losing their freedoms. They intend to reveal everything the deceptive intelligence is doing to take away your freedoms. This means there's more channeling to come in the future.

"As we pay witness to the deceivers' army, we impress this knowing to all who frequent the Earth, you are worthy of all of our teachings."

"The deceivers army" refers to the cloak holders & deceiver elites' paid helpers.

The higher realms have referred to them in previous prophecy as the puppet masters' knights. You will notice in the joining the dots the higher realms have declared the puppet masters are using political puppets to infiltrate our governments. The Knights are in important positions of service to the people, and are not following the constitutions and regulations set in government. The higher realms have referred to the Knights as being 'quevilled' - put in place to systematically destroy democracy.

The closest example is the Quevilled spiritual term used to describe the deceiver elites foreign psyops, disinformation actors like QAnon and other disinformation networks set up to cause division, gaslight and astroturf. The higher realms are channeling that the deceivers' armies are connected to the dark churches and religious orders. They are hiding in our defence force, police and government sectors.

They have been put in place to cause disruption and separation in world countries. The higher realms intend to reveal how these infiltrators' purpose is to stop us from seeing the truth about what is going on in our world. They will reveal the original teachings that warned about cognitive manipulation by the deceivers. More to come...

"The discarded prose will be known and so with that, we will offer a way forward."

The Higher realms will reveal the discarded, altered teachings to help us identify what they are doing.

"You attempt to keep our beings in slavery, as you meet in your covens to entrap and enslave"

Angelic guardians are revealing that the deceiver elite knights are meeting secretly to entrap spiritual beings. They don't want us to think we are entitled to more than we already have.

They are systematically removing all services that allow us to have a quality of life. They are doing this to cause division and turn spiritual being against spiritual being. To blame others for the lack of services, lack of money, lack of opportunity, they themselves are causing.

They are ignoring the will of the collective and enslaving you to their will, rather than what the higher realms want for you. They actively cause controversy that stops you from seeing the truth, so they are then free to do what they want. We can see this in the previous prophecy about fossil fuel abuse of natures creatures and environment.

We will show your deception, we will remove the masks you hide us-under. "

It is predicted that in 2020, the higher realms intend to show the real identity of the cloak holders and deceiver elite who meet in their secret society covens. They describe the intentions of the deceiver elite as being unlawful, unethical and spiritually blasphemous.

This is in the year of the 2020 United States election. Not a good sign for deceptive beings who believe they have used intelligence and technology to win elections. Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon were shown to me, as well as other unfamiliar faces who have been organising with Donald Trump, the Saudi leader and Russia's Putin. So for that matter was China, Japan, Singapore and other countries who have been hiding under the radar.

I can only gather from the spiritual visions I was receiving at the time of the channeling that several countries leaders are behind the deception of the United States election. China was definitely singled out to do with deceptive technology.

"Know our words will reach our beloved."

This is a warning for people in the United States to check the integrity of all technology being used in your elections as it is possible there has been software interference to taint the elections in favor of Donald Trump. You must check all technology coming from China.

As the higher realms have already guided they intend to reveal more visions, we should get a better understanding of why these countries have been singled out. There is also something important that is about to surface about corruption in India that will be huge, I am guided it will be revealed in coming months.

"The darkness that has clasped its presence on our creation will be known."

It is predicted that in 2020 the higher realms intends to reveal how the traditional spiritual teachings were altered or removed completely to condition the human population to be obedient and compliant to their dark teachings. The higher realms are guiding they will show the methods they used and then you will see the truth. 2020 is about allowing the truth to be known.

"Oh Roosters, you do not crow for the true master. You sold your soul to the deceiver."

If you have been following previous prophecy, the higher realms have referred to the media owned by deceiver elite as being answerable to the dark cloak holders and their secret societies.

The vision I saw when I was given this channeling, was of Rupert Murdoch. He has been singled out as being involved in the secret societies' religious orders.

There are other media owners who also congregate and meet up regularly. Rupert Murdoch was spiritually revealed as being the go-between to world political leaders and dark religious orders.

The higher realms have guided that those media owners sold their soul to the dark deceiver to be considered powerful. I saw truly icky visions of what the media is involved in to keep governments of the cloak holders in power. You might recall in previous guidance I described the worst of the worse were meeting up in secret. That includes pedophiles, mafia, Silicon Valley technology owners who all swear allegiance to the deceiver. None of the visions I've ever seen show the elite deceivers in a good light.

"Our mirror will show the way, as we reveal your secrets to all people of faith."

You may have seen in my previous prophecies that the higher realms refer to my ability to channel their spiritual prophecy and visions as being 'the mirror'.

I enter a higher vibrational frequency to tune into the Akashic Knowledge. This I believe is the secret knowledge that has reached our Earth, and was removed or altered to keep people in the dark. I have been spiritually guided to reveal the visions.

You will know from my true life background that I've been tuning into visions since I was a young child. I never expected the spiritual teachings I learnt about vibrational frequencies and tuning into consciousness would result in being requested to relay Earth Changes prophecy and becoming a prophet. But here we are. It appears I will be called upon by the higher realms to relay more channeling in 2020. I am guided I am to release the channeling and knowledge in a different format. I will share what this means at a later stage.

"Stay true to your calling, as we show the way.

The higher realms are guiding lightworkers, rainbow warriors and sentient beings who know their destined vocation, to stay true to your calling as they reveal the lost knowledge. You will know who you are, because as we are all aware, when you are born into this world with a destined purpose it is part of your natural ethereal makeup.

Be of good cheer as you hear our words, that all is not lost"

Do not lose faith. We have some heavy stuff to contend with, and we made a lot of headway in the 2019 year as more and more people came to realise the truth about our direct relationship with nature.

"Be blessed oh loved beings, do not feel that we have not heard your cries."

Some people in the world had a very harsh lesson about nature's wrath and are still experiencing it. Stay upbeat and positive, even when you feel like you have no more to give. The higher realms are aware of the sacrifices you are making as you witness the Earth crying out for help.

"We say to you 'the year of balance' will move the scales."

2020 is the year of balance, we were guided in 2019 that it was the year of hope. We saw a massive global movement standing up for our environment and nature's creatures. More people are aware the climate emergency isn't in the far distance future, that it is here, now. The people are getting more involved and this is why the deceiver elite are trying to speed up taking away our freedoms and liberties. We have to stay true and trust the people are awakening in larger numbers than the deceiver elite can control.

The higher realms have not given up on us. They have revealed channeling that helped us to see the truth. Now we have to stay patient as they reveal the lost knowledge.

I was guided to Ode 38 in the lost translations of the Forgotten Books of Eden. This is one of the spiritual proses that were removed or altered from the Christian Bible. I will highlight the prose my higher guardians have been sharing with me to help identify the times we are living in. It will help you understand the translation of the words of truth.

ODE 38
( ...from the Forgotten Books of Eden - The Odes of Solomon )

A description of the power of truth.

I went up to the light of truth as if into a chariot:
And the Truth took me and led me: and carried me across pits and gulleys; and from the rocks and the waves it preserved me:
And it became to me a haven of Salvation: and set me on the arms of immortal life:
And it went with me and made me rest, and suffered me not to wander, because it was the Truth;
And I ran no risk, because I walked with Him;
And I did not make an error in anything because I obeyed the Truth.
For Error flees away from it, and meets it not: but the Truth proceeds in the right path, and Whatever I did not know, it made clear to me, all the poisons of error, and the plagues of death which they think to be sweetness:
And I saw the destroyer of destruction, when the bride who is corrupted is adorned: and the bridegroom who corrupts and is corrupted;
And I asked the Truth 'Who are these?'; and He said to me, 'This is the deceiver and the error:
And they are alike in the beloved and in his bride: and they lead astray and corrupt the whole world:
And they invite many to the banquet,
And give them to drink of the wine of their intoxication, and remove their wisdom and knowledge, and so they make them without intelligence;
And then they leave them; and then these go about like madmen corrupting: seeing that-they are without heart, nor do they seek for it!
And I was made wise so as not to fall into the hands of the deceiver; and I congratulated myself because the Truth went with me,
And I was established and lived and was redeemed,
And my foundations were laid on the hand of the Lord: because He established me.
For He set the root and watered it and fixed it and blessed it; and its fruits are for ever.
It struck deep and sprung up and spread out, and was full and enlarged;
And the Lord alone was glorified in His planting and in His husbandry: by His care and by the blessing of His lips,
By the beautiful planting of His right hand: and by the discovery of His planting, and by the thought of His mind. Hallelujah.

"Consciousness perfection is blessed to all - With this we bid you well as we reveal the way"

This is the higher realms guiding that you are spiritual consciousness and you and other spiritual beings on our planet will reach the heights of awareness and know why you incarnated at this important time on our Earth.

The higher realms will reveal the way. We need to research, not blindly accept everything that has been guided in our previous religious teachings that divides or separates all of us who have incarnated and come to our own knowing.

The higher realms bid you well in the 2020 New Year.

Love and Light

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Read This Prediction

Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 10th November 2020

Vine's 2020 Prediction TRUE:

Not a Good Year for Trump and His Supporters

Bad Year for Trump, Vine Psychic Prediction
Vine's Psychic Prediction: Bad Year for Trump. Joe Biden wins the 2020 US election.

Now that Donald Trump has lost the election, Vine's prediction that 2020 will not be a good year for Trump supporters and that the 2020 year of balance will move the scales, has comeTRUE.

Dangers of Trump's 'Lame Duck' Period

Vine has also given predictive warnings about how the Trump administration will act after trump loses the election - not just refusing to concede, but also continuing to divide the country and cause conflict, just as Vine first predicted in 2011: Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA

Vine Predicted Connection Between Flynn and Barr

In recent months Vine has been warning about William Barr's divisive attempts to increase conflict and Vine predicted a connection between Michael Flynn and William Barr to "keep Trump in as POTUS".

Barr has now told prosecutors to investigate what he calls, "vote irregularities" despite there being no evidence and it's been reported that this strategy of challenging mail-in votes has come from Michael Flynn's lawyers:

Article on the connection between Flynn and Barr... Nov 10th 2020:
Michael Flynn’s Lawyer Is Also Working for the Trump Campaign. Wait Until You See What He’s Up to...

Vine predicted this connection and plan between Flynn and Barr to stop the count of mail-in votes, six weeks before the connection was revealed in the press...

Vine's prediction Tweet about connection between Flynn and Barr... Sept 25th 2020:

Vine's Tweet 10th Aug 2020: "...warned about Barr because he's also a radical hiding behind strong religious views that motivates his coverup policies..."

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UPDATE: 5th October 2020

Donald Trump's "Sweet Plague" Karma

"...the people are awakening in larger numbers than the deceiver elite can control."

All year, Donald Trump and the deceivers enabling him, have weaponised COVID-19 and treated it as their "sweet plague of death" (See prediction-update below: The Truth Behind Trump's Cornavirus Lies).

Even though their Coronavirus Karma is catching up with them, Trump is still treating Coronavirus like a political game and doubling down on the weaponisation of the virus.

Instead of recuperating in isolation, Donald Trump made public appearances playing down the seriousness of Coronavirus.

Trump/Republicans have now stopped all COVID-19 financial aid "until after the elections" - an example Vine's predicted weaponisation of their sweet plague that is putting millions more Americans at risk...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex Tweet

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Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 18th September 2020

The Truth Behind Trump's Coronavirus Lies

On the 1st January 2020, Vine published her prediction that in 2020, the deceivers behind Trump would see “Plagues of Death” as “Sweetness” - "Whatever I did not know, it (the TRUTH) made clear to me, all the poisons of error, and the plagues of death which they think to be sweetness."

Donald Trump not wearing a mask

In his interview with Bob Woodward in early February 2020, Donald Trump admitted he knew that the coronavirus was "deadly... more deadly than even your strenuous flus" and he actually referred to Coronavirus as "...the plague"

Donald Trump: "This thing is a killer if it gets you. If you’re the wrong person, you don’t have a chance."
Bob Woodward: "Yes, yes, exactly."
Donald Trump: "So, this rips you apart."
Bob Woodward: "This is a scourge. And"
Donald Trump: "It is the plague."

Trump then spent the next few months lying about the seriousness of the pandemic, lying about its spread, saying it was "totally under control" when he knew it wasn't, and fighting against life-saving shutdowns in favour of a herd-immunity policy that would kill millions more Americans.

Why did Trump Knowingly Lie about Coronavirus?

All of Trump's lies, which are repeated ad nauseam in the media and on social media, are a tactic designed to emotionally and physiologically desensitise people to TRUTH and to create division.
See Vine's 2011 prediction: Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA

In this prediction, Vine's Higher Guardians call the desensitisation from all of the lies, "drinking the wine of their intoxication, and removing their wisdom and knowledge"

Vine's Guardians also guided that, "the deceivers have been slyly devising ways of controlling the people... They want to hold onto power and they want you and I to be cognitively compliant".

All of the lies are designed to cause a form of cognitive drunkenness, to create confusion and resigned acceptance of the Coronavirus lies and irrational thinking that leads people to vote against their own best interests.

Trump wants 12 years
Vine's Higher Guardians have warned...
"they want to make you compliant so they can hold onto power"

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Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 21st June 2020

Solstice Annular Solar Eclipse - A Rare Celestial Event

As the ring revealed 'the way', we reveal the prose that has been lost.

In this prediction Vine shares how the higher realms relate major lunar or solar eclipses to prophecy timing and in this channeling they particularly refer to "the ring revealing the way".

Exactly half way through the year we are having a ring of fire solar eclipse.

Solstice Annular Solar Eclipse
The 2020 Solstice Annular (Ring of Fire) Solar Eclipse occurs at the half way point of the year. Vine was guided that the ring her Higher Guardians refer to is lunar and solar eclipses marking particular points in the timing of their prophecy.

Solstice & Annular Eclipse on Same Day

On the 21st June 2020, the same day as is the winter and summer solstice, the world is also experiencing an annular (ring shaped) solar eclipse.

An annular eclipse is when the Moon covers the Sun's center but forms a “ring of fire” (or annulus) around the Moon at the height of the eclipse.

Rare Event - Spiritual Revelation of Truth in 2020?

Having an annular eclipse on the same day as the solstice is a rare event that only happens twice this century. The 21st of June 2020 and nineteen years from now on 21st June 2039.

Since the higher realms have related lunar or solar eclipses to prophecy timing and refer directly to the ring, does this solstice ring of fire eclipse portend a major spiritual revelation of truth in 2020?

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Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 21st April 2020

Surveillance of Spiritual Beings

"Your eyes who delve into the abodes of our beloved will be known. Deception will be known."

coronavirus tracking

This part of Vine's psychic prediction refers to citizens being tracked and spied on, even in our own homes. Vine has referred to this in earlier prophecies (ie: Controllers of the Internet and Economies), but in this prediction, Vine's Higher Guardians have said that the '"deceptive intelligence" will be revealed in 2020...

Coronavirus Apps Drawing Attention to How Much We Are Being Tracked

As new coronavirus cases slowly begin to flatten out around the world, tracking apps and other similar invasive tracking methods are being introduced. But is the coronavirus simply an excuse being used to introduce more invasive tracking and privacy invasion?

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) points out that while the COVID-19 pandemic is a deadly crisis and an opportunity to pull together as a society, "it is also regrettably, an opportunity for would-be authoritarians and powerful corporations to expand their power. One way they may try to do so is through the use of technology and data to address the pandemic." - Principles for Technology Assisted Contact Tracing'.

The ACLU also warn that the coronavirus tracking systems may not even work effectively in real world conditions.

Edward Snowdon Coronavirus app Tweet

Just as Vine predicted, in 2020 our attention is being drawn to the insidious invasions of our privacy (they've slowly been introduced). But the new 2020 coronavirus tracking apps have forced us to sit up and take notice, not only of the tracing that is planned, but also the high levels of tracking already taking place.

You are being Tracked Right Now

Right now, your movements are being tracked by your phone. The bluetooth in your phone is already being used to extensively track your movements in department stores, supermarkets, malls, taxis, buses, music festivals, cinemas, museums, hospitals, hotels etc.

Everyone with a phone is already giving away location data containing very invasive and personal information that has the potential to reveal our social, sexual, religious, and political associations. Google can still use Bluetooth to track Android phones even when Bluetooth is turned off.

Personal Data Used to Swing Elections?

Many of the existing tracking methods are separate systems used by different organisations for different things. But we must be careful that coronavirus apps don't have the potential to bring together seemingly disparate data collected by other apps and stored on your phone or in the cloud. Israel has already been reported to have used tracking apps in conjunction with existing data to manipulate Israeli voters in their elections on March 2nd 2020.

How does the collection of all of this new personal data tie into the existing mega-data collected by organisations like Facebook? That data has already been used to micro-target millions of personalised messages persuading vast numbers of swing voters to vote according to the wishes of the deceivers.

Why We're Being Given This Warning to Stop What They Intend to Do

Vine's higher spiritual guardians have been trying to warn the people of Australia and the world that this was planned by the deceiver elite. We now know there are many digital and social media platforms involved. They all have close relationships with each other and don't hesitate to use 'spyware' on ordinary spiritual beings.

Vine's spiritual prophecy was channeled before the 2020 New Year, well before the introduction of the new coronavirus surveillance spyware. It appears the higher realms are desperately trying to get us to realise that our democracy, freedoms and liberties are now being removed and if we do not STOP THEM we are moving into George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian future.

Everywhere, even in our own homes some type of tracking device will be listening to our conversations, recording our location and compromising our right as spiritual beings to be born into a world without dark influences watching our every move.

The governments we believe have been elected fairly, are actually manipulating the results through data mining, data matching our social media profiles and now, as reported in Israel, even taking our final freedoms by watching our every movement when we are voting. THIS IS NOT WHY WE WERE BORN and it is a complete breach of our spiritual freedoms. WE ARE BORN of FREE WILL. Removing our last level of spiritual and human protection means we are at the mercy of authoritarian governments that will DEMAND WE SURRENDER our freedoms or pay the penalty for not doing so.

When all the data is combined, we will lose the ability to have credible elections, or to stand up for the values and principles that protect our environment. We will not be able to stop corporations and governments taking advantage of the vulnerable and bringing in more draconian laws.

Cashless Society & Tracking Apps

Keep in mind what the higher realms predicted years ago about financers wanting to bring in a cashless society to control you, by controlling your money. You will witness government services being removed and wages being kept to a bare minimum as people compete for what jobs are available. If we allow the spying eyes to follow our every movement, the world as we know it will be altered forever.

Not even independent protections such as the judiciary will save the people. They can easily be abused by governments appointing judges in the Supreme and High Courts who will act favourably to corporations and religious organisations.

In a worst case scenario, far right (religious) authoritarian governments could remove social justice laws like human rights, feminist and anti-discrimination laws, because they doesn't match the ideology of their religious networks.

All the freedoms and rights to choose that our grandparents fought wars for, will be lost if we don't stop this in its tracks now. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, WE ARE IN THE COUNTDOWN to the last part of the deceiver elite plan to have a complete takeover of our spiritual freedoms.

ASK which type of deceptive spiritual influence would introduce this in the first place? Research the data companies and organisations pushing to introduce the new coronavirus tracking apps. There's been a lot of hype generated in the main stream media about the coronavirus apps, but as yet very little proof exists that they will actually work. It has been reported that coronavirus tracking apps may even make things worse.

It is disconcerting that so many people in influential positions are recommending the coronavirus tracking apps, when no proof of their effectiveness yet exists and so many freedoms are at stake.

Ode 38

"Plagues of Death Which They Think to be Sweetness"

The Higher Realms are not warning about the erosions of our freedoms for no reason. We go back to why the angelic realms chose Ode 38 and how it specifically refers to plagues that deceivers take delight in. Is this why Vine's spiritual guardians were warning why global leaders deliberately chose the herd immunity policy where millions of lives would be lost; because it benefited their global plan?

We must not ignore what Vine's spiritual prophecy was all about. It is easy to identify the direct relationship between the pandemic response and policy failures resulting in inadequate medical supplies and protective equipment, and how this benefits the deceivers overall plan to have greater surveillance of every human being.

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Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 29th March 2020

Ode 38 - The Truth Surrounding Coronavirus

In this prediction for 2020, Vine was guided that Ode 38 from the Forgotten Books of Eden, would help us to understand what will be happening in 2020.

Ode 38 is about Truth being revealed.

It includes, "Whatever I did not know, (the truth) made clear to me, all the poisons of error, and the plagues of death which they think to be sweetness:"

Deceivers See Coronavirus as "Sweetness"

Here Vine's Guardians have predicted how the elite deceivers and their puppet governments would see the 2020 "plague of death" (coronavirus), as the "sweetness" that will help them achieve their tyrannical aims of domination, by seeing an opportunity to not respond to the urgent need for action against coronavirus. Everything from not taking it seriously early on, to not having enough supplies (respirators, masks, gowns etc.) and giving out confusing messages and disinformation about what needs to be done.

Irresponsible Leadership - Trying to Convince People to Sacrifice Themselves

After stripping bare our economies with their massive tax avoidance, the deceivers now fear what Coronavirus will do to the fragile false economies they have created. Their fear has forced some of them to openly admit that they want some people to be sacrificial lambs.

Coronavirus Herd Immunity USA

What Aren't They Sharing?

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, is one of those who are openly proposing that older people sacrifice themselves rather than implement strong self isolation and quarantine policies that will save thousands of lives. He was referring to the reality that older people, particularly in nursing homes are more likely to die from COVID-19.

Low-Income Communities Most at Risk from Coronavirus...

What Dan Patrick didn't mention was that many young people are also dying and that coronavirus may disproportionately hurt the poor.

As the Higher realms have already guided, the deceivers are prepared to sacrifice others to achieve their aims.

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Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 22nd March 2020

2020 "will move the scales"

Coronavirus and Climate Change

In this psychic prediction, Australian Clairvoyant Medium Vine's Higher Guardians said, the 2020 year of balance "will move the scales."

Now, right at the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus has hit the world hard and the lessons we are learning will "move the scales". Many are suffering and nothing will be the same after this.

Vine has been advocating for drastic measures to stop the spread of Coronavirus since January 20 when a major world outbreak was still just a fear:

Vine Coronavirus tweet

VinePsychic Tweet about Pandemic

At the time of the COP25 climate change conference in late 2019, Vine was warning that people will die, not only due to climate change but also in global disease crises: "Hope you have planned for disease epidemics as you try to placate the angry global public about Australia being a global COP25 pariah. Once Aussies start dying there will be nowhere for our government to hide."

On December 2nd 2019, Vine warned that the poor response to the climate change crisis would be replicated in a poor response to a world health crisis - "If this is how you behave in a climate emergency, pity the response when you are dealing with a disease epidemic from the climate emergency."

We Have to Flatten the Curve:
for Coronavirus and for Climate Change

Almost every country in the world is now desperately trying to flatten the curve...

Flattening the curve means employing protective measures against the Coronavirus to slow down the rate of COVID-19 and increase the ability of our health-care services and our economy to handle and survive the crisis.

Caring For Others

As the Coronavirus pandemic worsens, we have realised the best way to beat it is with a strong and well communicated plan that involves caring for others, distributing funds, services and equipment to those most in need and being completely honest about the situation we face and what we have to do to survive it. That includes the realisation that the earlier we endure some economic and social hardship, the better our chances of surviving and recovering will be - ie. flattening the curve.

Flatten The Curve for Coronavirus and Climate Change
Realising the importance of flattening the Curve for COVID-19 will remind us that we must also flatten the climate change curve as well.

Coronavirus Helping to Move the Scales with Climate Change

Changing our behaviour to close everything down against the spread of Coronavirus seemed impossible before we actually did it. But we are doing it, and now we know what's required to fight climate change as well. Like the Coronavirus, the earlier we begin to tackle climate change, the less hardship we will have to endure in the long-run.

Reduction in Pollution

Shutting everything down is also showing us the positive effect on nature when we produce less pollution. "Some experts say the reduction in pollution may have even saved more lives than the death toll caused by the deadly virus in China." - SBS News: How the coronavirus crisis is helping improve the environment across the world...

It is only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve
- The Day the Earth Stood Still.

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2020 Prediction UPDATE: 17th Jan 2020

Australia's Catastrophic Bushfires "will move the scales" on Climate Change

In this psychic prediction Vine wrote, "More people are aware that the climate emergency isn't in the far distance future - "it is here, now".

Vine has already predicted a huge shift in awareness over the past year. This shift has begun and because of it, Vine's higher guardians have said that events in 2020 "will move the scales" on climate change action.

Australin Bush fire Smoke tweet

The scales are already visibly moving, as people are waking up to the unmistakable realities of climate change, which can no longer be ignored. Australia's Bushfires are now being reported as a Climate Change 'Wake-up Call'.

As Vine prophesied, the scale and intensity of the catastrophic fires in Australia in early 2020 has shown people in Australia and around the world that effects of climate change are already here and will get far worse if we don't act now to curtail it.

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